Dec 02, 2003 00:39
Well kids it's like this you see ... Saturday night was a fucking blast to any extraordinary limit! Well saturday as soon as i get off from work at like 3-ish I went over to ridgely's house and when I got there asked brandon if we were doing\going anywhere that night *now fucking nothing happens in l-ville unless you have resources! But anyhoot he was like "No" Well after getting food and such b\c i was hungry and got brandon and me something. When i got back to ridgely's brandon final had something 4 us to do\go to chucks house and getting fucked up. (*LOL* I meet that goal alright).Then after this deal thanks to sha-bon-bon and matt *love ya* called up Aaron and I think he wanted or didnt want to come but he come anyways. Like I dont remember what the time was.So anywayz then after all this goin on we picked up Lance from his house. SO many hrs after aaron got to ridgely's house we went over chuck's. Then after all this goin on we picked up Lance from his house. When Me, Brandon,Aaron and Lance arrived there well alot of people there already. After many hrs and hrs of fun and excitement going on ~ in which fucking everyone there was drunk as a shunk~ .....Well don't want to go there and really don't want to that part of the story just want to leave out the really juicy parts if you were there you know what I am talking about,and if you don't go sorry about ya'lls lucky. Well some really funny parts of that night were when the 3 cop cars pulled up because we were singing Disney's songs to loud least I wasn't. So yeah and many many many many so much shit happened that night. *MAN OH MAN!!* *LOLOLOLOLOLOL* well i have a fav quote of that night or morning "don't stick your dick in my dyke!!"
Thanks alot brandon 4 bring there 4 me and ridgely 2-day LOVE YOU BABY!!!! P.L.U.R