Losing Weight

May 14, 2013 15:57

I stepped on the scale today and found out I'm down to 192. It's hard for me to admit that's good news, but it is - and I realize if I'm going to get anywhere I have to stop being hard on myself and admit when I've made progress, even when it feels inadequate.

I was about 228 just before I had the twins. I know only a few days ago I was moaning about having not lost any weight that wasn't baby, but it's really not so. It's just been the progress has been so incremental and I'm impatient with feeling bad about how I look. Also out of the 36 pounds I have lost, I've only shed about 10 of them since the new year. Still it is progress. I had this goal of losing all the weight that I put on in 9 months in no more than 9 months. Well, I've hit that milestone but not the target weight.

I called my old friend, the trainer, (I referred to her as Amazon here) who had been helping me strengthen my back and shoulders to help with my back pain and she told me to hit the weights, so that's the new plan starting tomorrow.  She said even if I can't do full sets of reps or can't make a session out of it, even if I do a 8 or 10 with one arm and one exercise and then don't get back to it for hours, to just do it. My life isn't making the space for me to do it the right way - she said there is no right way, but the wrong way is to keep on not doing it at all.

I tried picking up a free weight we had used the last time she was here and it is appalling how weak I am, so I'm going back to a much lighter weight. She recommended trying to do high reps of a low weight, but honestly I may have to start off with low reps of a low weight. She also wants me doing squats basically even without weight since a lot of my excess weight is in my can and thighs at this point. She said if I could manage it to go from a seated position to a upright one with a little jump even. We'll see. But I'm going to try.
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