ReverseBang: Sea Below And Sky Above -- ART POST

Dec 02, 2011 11:41

Title: Sea Below and Skies Above
Author: hils
Artist: malbryn
Summary: Jensen is quite content with his life in the ocean until Jared literally crashes into his life.
Link to fic:

This was my first time doing art for spn_reversebang and I was so, so lucky to get hils as my author. She's talented and amazing to work with -- we were both pretty much on the same wavelength from the get go. And she's basically just an awesome person. :)

Original Art

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This was my original submission to spn_reversebang. I had started out with basically no idea what I was going to do, and somehow came out with merman!Jensen and wingman!Jared.

Image 2

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hils quickly worked out a basic plot that was exactly the sort of story I had imagined going into this. The second image takes place in the cabin of Misha's pirate ship, and while I took some artistic liberty on the setting (very impractical bedding for a ship) I think I captured the tone of the scene.

Image 3

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We both knew as soon as hils started writing that there had to be a scene where Jared takes Jensen flying, so I started on this one pretty early in the process.

Divider/Header Bar

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I had such a blast working on these pictures, even if I did almost have a heart attack when I lost my flash drive at the last minute and thought I'd never recover my images. (Luckily I had them saved on my hard drive as well.) hils was a joy to work with, and everyone needs to go read the fic she worked so hard on. Read it here!

j2, art, masterpost, reversebang 2011

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