[Inception] So you're waiting for a--wait, this is familiar.

Oct 15, 2010 23:03

/gets revived and pulled out of a tea party with presley
So this one time yukireizei and I went absolutely positively mad during one of our convos. It could be blamed on chocolate on my end and uh...possibly homework involving excel worksheets on hers, but either way, it gave birth to this monster.

Summary: Yusuf wants things. Saito breaks walls. Also: cake.
Rating: PG? PG-13? IDK, lol what is this shit.

Is this a fic?

Depends. Are you on drugs?

mal says:


a monkey with a tail

two tails

k, give me a theme and i shall do an on a fly fic

on this convo

because i am insane like that

or possibly because i've been reading angst like whoa

am i rambling

yes i am


yukireizei says:



I am a bastard.

OR. Because I am a nice person, EXCEL.



mal says:






cause you know...it's nevermind

once upon a time there was a poor little distressed boy named Yusuf who only had one wish

all he wanted in his life beside a huge new chemical lab, a new ps3, the latest apple product and a hot brazillian babe was a cat

oh, and a thousand million money

preferably in the form of riyal

because he knows his economic growth dammit

no, not really, but those arabs are pretty damn rich aren't they?

point is, all he wanted beside a life of luxury and plenty of brazillian sex was a cat and money enough to last him seven generations

or one if his future child happened to be a paris hilton fan and decided to embark on a lifestyle similar to that of his/her idol

so anyways, as yusuf bemoaned his small-chemistry-lab (that was really underneath a chinese restaurant), ps3-and apple's latest product and brazillian babe-less and cat and money-less life, a fairy heard his whining and decided to help

why? because the fairy happened to just destroyed the world and the universe in one go, created an alternate version with the help of a hapless hero with unresolved sexual tension with his male friend because i demand it and destroyed a ring that a freaky fiery eye with a jewellary fetish really REALLY wanted

and as such, was on a roll

wait what is this shit

/kills self


i'm pretty sure that's what on the fly fics are unless i've been bullshitting myself

speaking of which, i could really use the tea


so the fairy comes up to yusuf...well actually came down to yusuf, passing by various calls for chicken chow mein and peiking duck and ignoring the various fortune cookie jokes that floated pass the fairy's head

which made sense, since the fairy was no other than Saito, since i'm a dick with no actual literal dick, who is Japanese and would ignore the pettiness of americanised fortune cookie business retailing

anyways, he owns half of the shares in the fortune cookie market, the other half being owned by the swedish owned Pirate Bay

they totally exist, I swear

So Saito floats up to Yusuf, appearing suddenly to the moaning man in a poof of fashionable smoke, dressed in a tailor made dark suit. He raised an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of proper capitalization and the introduction of the dot in which you put after you finish a sentence in this story and decided that it was beyond him to comment on it.

For he was Saito and so shalth the World boweth to him(th).

Yusuf, seeing the sudden awesome appearance of Bad Ass!Fairy!Saito, reacted in the most common way one would react to seeing Bad Ass!Fairy!Saito, he fainted.

No, not really. More like, he gaped in awe, forgetting about the chemical at hand and succeed in making knock out gas when the chemical in his test tube mixed with the one in the beaker.

Saito tsk-ed at the sheer unelegance of the situation. It wasn't....neat. Coincidentally, let us both think about how glorious it would be if Saito had his own spin off in CSI and he was the boss.

Inception!CSI, come on, that should seriously exist already.

So anyways, Saito granted Yusuf's wish, drank some Santana Champ because it was so crisp, grabbed his swim trunks and his flippy floppies and went on a boat flipping burgers while you're at a Kinko's straight flipping copies.

Yes, I'm listening to I'm On a Boat.

Aaand it ends there. You're welcome to pelt tomatoes at me. Or cabbages. God knows I don't get enough cabbages...

fic, wtf was i on, onthefly, biggus dickus, inception, debaucherry

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