Jun 01, 2010 20:39
It was an "Oh Fuck" moment that I thought only I experienced because I was a girl. One of those freak storms where thunder rips you from sleep and your imagination molds horrifying silhouettes with the brief flash of lightning every thirty seconds. You hold your covers over your head for dear life, pinching your eyes closed. Your body turns into a slimy hot pocket and you don't care how unbearable it is, you will bear it if it keeps you from seeing. You want to say something, anything, but your mouth moves and nothing comes out.
It was him, not I, who had shaken the bed with his petrified body, harmonizing agony with the crashing storm, and moaning in terror like a hurt puppy. I was doubly petrified as the same thing that was scaring him, was scaring me, but him being scared electrified my overall scared feeling. What was I to do? I slept with the light on regularly. I could have died just thinking about what could have been in the room, at that point in time, and he was jumping straight out of his skin.
Isn't the man supposed to reassure the lady that everything is going to be okay? & that those dark shapes you're seeing are just tall coat racks and cardboard boxes?
Anyway, unreasonably terrible feelings become jokes in the morning.
On top of this, I think my house could definitely be on hoarders & every time someone talks about that god damned show I feel like a piece of shit. Things have never been as bad as they are now in the hoarding house and I wake up exhausted about it every morning. I've been trying to move out forever but I feel as though I have to fix this problem before we have to swim through newspapers and old dishes to get to the bathroom. If I leave it be, and move out, my room will just be engulfed by the hoard and I will never feel welcome here again, even as a visitor.