(no subject)

Dec 31, 2009 19:59

goals for 2009 (not resolutions!), to be crossed out as completed and added to as needed:

- practice driving at least one hour a week (7/16 two weeks in a row!)
- be comfortable driving in little traffic (7/16, should have been more specific. i am comfortable in little traffic, in a car with automatic transmission! will update when i'm ok w/manual 11/20)
- be comfortable driving in moderate traffic in automatic (11/20)
- be comfortable driving in moderate traffic in standard (12/15)
- get a license (11/20 WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)
- rewrite my resume
- get a better paying, less stressful job
- begin exercising on a regular basis
- join a yoga class (4/26 - sort of.. I went for ~4 classes before my ride(s) quit on me! 11/13 started up again finally!!!)
- finish reading the heart of the buddha's teachings
- meditate regularly
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