Oct 02, 2007 17:59
things have not improved greatly. she never calls.
in the hopes of some sort of universal balence, i made a very bad decision last night. i tried to call Kali again. For the first time from the house line at my apartment. I was drunk and I thought it was a valid effort, and maybe since so much time has now passed shed be more willing to converse with me. As soon as I told her it was me she hung up the line.
Ever since I survived my car accident she has refused to speak to me, as if I abused her somehow by calling her and in a frightened panic I told her a final, bloody goodbye, expecting to die that night and longing not to be alone.
She knows I'm alive.
She just hates me now.
Deleted from all her internet social networking services. screens my calls. Avoids me at all costs.
Look into my eyes and know I want to die
in my car - magnetic fields