Mar 30, 2003 10:35
Hey people, back off the grammer pony. I hate grammer, spelling, punctuation and all that proper crap. Hey, I will not conform to the rules of writing that our fascist brethren have set for us. Down with fascism. And that's a fact. Hehe. Everyone should type like me, then everyone would know exactly what I mean, I don't change for the world the world changes for me. And all of you know what I mean when you read it don't you. Don't you!! LIAR!! Just kidding, I have my eye on all of you. The left eye in case your question was which eye. Hey how did ya like that sentence? huh? I hope you loved it. It was a special one just for all of you. The "grammer pony" is a pony that should be sent to the glue factory, even though I love animals that aren't humans, that's why I am veggitarian. We should eat humans, we can know which humans deserve it, cows and pigs and chickens and what have you never hurt any of us. Barbarians! Just playing again, kind of. What does this mood mean? I just have to put it cause it sounds cool.