Seeing some anime-themed and video game-themed patterns online has made me think I need to get back into doing some cross-stitch. My mom taught me how when I was young (although she said she couldn't do it herself--she did lots of crochet and stuff, though), and I used to work on it pretty regularly, but got out of practice. I had some stuff left in a big box before the house went ker-poof; I hadn't even looked at it in the longest time, though. And after, well, I just never bothered to go pick up any new supplies. First because it just never crossed my mind, and then after that I never seemed to have the extra money.
But now that I'm working this job, I have some extra money now and then, and it will give me something to do during my free time. Much of that free time is taken up with friends, but on my nights off, they're all asleep and I'm up all night. :)
This is the site I found that has rekindled my interest. I'm thinking of starting with the pattern of Faye Valentine from Cowboy BeBop found on
this page.