As per
ginreisan Instructions: Comment on this post. I will then choose seven interests from your profile and reply to you with them. Repost this meme in your own journal along with the explanations of what each chosen interest means and why you're interested in it.
1. 8-bit theatre - Just fun to read. :) Who doesn't like an evil Black Mage?
2. clouds - I've always liked clouds. Especially angry, dark storm clouds (but then again, I feel my most alive when in the middle of a good thunderstorm), but I could also easily spend a day sitting somewhere just watching the happy, puffy white ones float on by... ^_^
3. dice - I am a fan of most RPGs, and most RPGs require dice. Even the lonely 12-sider, at times.
4. h.p. lovecraft - First brought to my attention by the RPG (see above!) Call of Cthulhu, I started reading a lot of his short stories. His Cthulhu Mythos works, of course, had a great influence on many of this generation's horror writers and movie-makers, but I also like his Dreamlands Cycle of stories for some tales that aren't particularly horrifying, but very strange, in a good ethereal way.
5. killer robots - C'mon. Killer. Robots. Need I say more? :D
6. shiny things - I hate to admit it, but I am horribly, horribly attracted to (and distracted by) shiny things. ^_^; Generally this is for techno-shinies (I love me my gadgets), but I've been known to stop mid-conversation because someone pulled out a shiny coin. My friends swear I was a raven in a former life.
7. tolkien - Probably one of my favorite authors, and probably the first serious writer I'd tackled. I read The Hobbit at a very young age, and soon after followed it up with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. After I had read that, I got my parents to pick me up a copy of The Simarillion. That would prove to be a well-known adversary of mine as I tried for a few years to get through it. I remember that for a few summers I'd try at the beginning of the summer school break to read through that book, and it always beat me. I'd end up in the middle of the book not being able to remember who was who, and who they were related to, and why the hell were they doing this again? I eventually got through it, though. :) I really should read it again one of these days...