Had a dream last night. Started out very tame. Mostly I was just in this large hotel/apartment complex, and was people watching. Nothing really happened more than that.
Then, I started looking for a bathroom. Everywhere I would find toilet-looking things that weren't toilets. It started getting more urgent. I finally saw the Executive Elevator in the back, and thought, "If any place has a bathroom, it would be the Executive Elevator!" (I know that makes no sense, but it's a dream. Cut me some slack.) I went in, and it was an elevator as big as a room! Fancy furniture, snacks and drinks set out, people in posh outfits sitting around talking about classical music and literature--if there was ever a cliche of "rich" in film, it was in this room. I made my way to the back, and saw the entrance to the bathrooms...ugly avacado-colored tile with dirty gray grout. I went in, and it was everything you'd expect from a public bathroom in your better class of B movie slasher flicks. There were wads of wet paper towels everywhere, all the toilets were broken.
Everything in this last part of the dream just screamed, "You have to go to the bathroom and there's no place to do it!"
I woke up, and had to go to the bathroom. Obviously, where I was (in bed) was not the place to do it.
Thus, the moral of our story: Listen to your dreams!