Weekly Offensive Whining Update

May 15, 2014 01:33

I feel like there should be a weekly or bi - weekly feature in my journal about the latest snotty comment left on one of my facebook posts. This week I posted a comic of a woman doing dishes with an annoyed look on her face, and she's saying "remember when we were kids and we thought being an adult meant doing what we wanted when we wanted? How's that working out for you?" Get it? It's a joke? Because she has to do dishes instead of something fun? Well my friend didn't think it was funny either (same friend who got pissed off about the minions picture I posted...I'm seeing a pattern here). Anyway, she commented saying " the adult thing is going very well for me thank you very much. I wanted to eat an ice cream because it was hot today, but then I remembered how not fun it was to have a sugar high crash, so I didn't eat it!!!!"

Um....you go girl? So many wrong ideas coming at me at once, it's hard to know which to reject first. She DOES realize that ONE ice cream shouldn't cause ghat big of a crash, right? Unless ONE=one gallon, her system should be able to handle that. And for Maude's sake, it's just a fucking joke, not a time to rant that you think making adult choices is good. I did the dishes yesterday and I generally agree it's a good idea to do them regularly, but I also recognize that picture was KIDDING GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE OMFG. There are enough serious issues in the world that spewing this level of self - righteous indignation at every post I make can't be healthy. Dude.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

friends, communication, facebook

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