Jun 07, 2012 22:01
So remember when I had to be rushed to the emergency room a few weeks ago with stabbing pain and it turns out I have kidney stones? Well I passed the one, but there are more, all too small for surgery and none of them in the right place to be broken up[ ultrasonically (not that I have the money for that anyway, plus what I said earlier RE them being small) but lately I've been getting some more stabbing pains that signal that another stone or two is migrating into my ureters, so ouch. I was peeing blood yesterday morning but luckily the free clinic was in session and I had an appointment. The doctor checked on the stones and they're all still tiny (and don't let that fool you, those tiny little fuckers hurt a LOT, pain doesn't mean the stones are too big and need to be broken up, pain is something that happens ALL THE TIME with kidney stones no matter how small they are. they hurt) so he told me I'll probably have to deal with them for awhile, that small ones like that can hang out for months and as long as they're not causing blockage which we have to monitor but is unlikely with the type of stones I have, they won't perform the surgery anyway, not that I can afford it, but I'm going to have to be serious about following my diet and drinking a gallon of water a day at least and cutting sodium and not popping calcium antacids like they're candy (whoops). So since it's going to be months he wouldn't give me a refill on the Norco because it's not wise to be on that strong a narcotic that long, but Aleve helps as much as the Norco does, so he prescribed me some Aleve (also got a generic for Imitrex, OH HAPPY LITTLE PILLS OF JOY YAY MY HEAD WILL HAVE HELP WHEN IT STARTS TO FEEL LIKE IT WILL EXPLODE). So then after the doctor saw me while I was waiting for my prescriptions I saw the "counselor" who evaluates you, asks if the clinic helped you, and offers to pray for you, and I asked her to pray about my medical bill from the ER stay, since it's been over two weeks and I still haven't gotten the bill yet.
So this afternoon I check my mail, and guess what guys? The reason I haven't gotten a bill yet is they already sent it to collections! that's right, they sent my bill to collections without even making an attempt to contact me first or send me a bill (and if one person replies and says "they can't do that" I will fucking STAB you, because I didn't think they could do that either, but OBVIOUSLY they CAN do that, since they fucking DID) so now I'm freaking out. I don't have $245 just lying around to pay the bill, and that's almost more than I make in 2 paychecks, so this is totally funtimes for me since I have 21 days to pay it or it will default (since, you know, it's already in collections less than a month after I went to the goddamn hospital in the first place).
Stupid kidneys. Stupid Mecosta County Medical Center.