Bryanna Rayne thorson was born yesterday! She weighs 7 pounds and is 20 inches long. Her daddy is Harvey Thorson, a guy I went to high school with. Harvey is a great guy. when he found out his wife was pregnant again, he was all over Facebook announcing "WE'RE PREGNANT!" and throughout the pregnancy, he said things like "We're almost ready to deliver," etc. It was very much a collaborative thing, which was nice to see. Harvey is a very hands-on dad and he was thrilled when his daughter Kaylie was born, too. he never acts like having a daughter is somehow less awesome than having a son, and that's an attitude I don't see a lot around here. Our high school was an "Alternative Ed" school and no one thought we kids would ever make anything of ourselves, so it does me good to see Harvey doing so well. Fuck the haters. We proved them wrong.