Called the cops about Jaylynn's assault of me on Sunday. As it turns out, everyone is wrong. Yes, even though they all mean well, even though I love them, they are wrong. First, without any witnesses who can verify that she indeed hit me, I can't get a restraining order. I can press charges, but they'll likely be dropped. I can get a PPO, but there's a fee for that, and if I get one, it means we can't be within a certain number of feet of each other and that would mean one of us would have to quit our jobs, and that person would be ME since I'm the one pressing the charges and paying for the order. If she assaults me within view of witnesses, I can get a restraining order because I will have corroborating evidence. Otherwise, I have jack shit. Tonight at work she walked by me and said "I'm gonna fucking kill you." The manager was right there when she said it, but he didn't hear her (he tends to go off into his own little world...he's a good guy, just not the most observant person). In short, until she kills me, there's nothing I can do but continue to put up with her assaults. As the cops asked me, "Don't you have managers?" At this stage, it would be up to my managers to actually do something about her, but Patrick is up her ass building a colony, and Terry doesn't give a shit about anyone, and Robert is BRAND NEW as a manager, and he's a really good guy but there's not much he can do. He said he'll talk to Patrick and get back to me. I'll totes be holding my breath in the meantime.
In further fun news, even though I am often in too much pain to move (carpal tunnel my ASS, this pain is throughout my entire body, it is NOT just carpal tunnel) I make too much money to get food stamps so those are canceled, and I also make too much money to qualify for disability. Too much money even to apply, even if I were going to quit once I were approved. You have to be homeless living in a dumpster to qualify for Disability. Lucky I won't have to worry about it much longer, since Jaylynn is going to kill me. but it's my fault for not calling the cops (because if they say it on Facebook, it must be true).