Seriously...I wasn't going to post for awhile hoping to spark some discussion in my other post, but then I saw this today and...I'm just speechless.
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Seriously...what the hell? Ok, yes the kid was grandstanding and being melodramatic and a little over the top and annoying, but nothing worse than Michael Moore does in his movies, and...the image of the cops holding him down on the floor while he begged them to get off him and begging them not to tase him, saying he'll leave if they let him stand up, and then tasing him anyway? What in HELL is going on there? I'm glad I live in Nazi Germany...oh wait...
And I'm NOT just blowing this out of proportion, people. NOTE: I AM. I EVEN ADMIT IT, THEREFORE THIS IS NOT COMPLETELY LOGICAL, BUT IT IS A RANT IN MY PERSONAL JOURNAL AND AS SUCH IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE. AND DESPITE ALL THIS, I FEEL I STILL HAVE A POINT OR I WOULDN'T HAVE POSTED IT. I know we're not at the point that Nazi Germany was at, not yet, but little things are being ignored, and I'm afraid, more and more every day.
My online journal here, which is where I usually rant and rave like this, was suspended earlier this year because I had the word "rape" in my user interests... I mean it, that's it, they suspended me because I said I was interested in "rape" and I wasn't allowed an appeal or a chance to say "hey dumbasses, I was raped, that's why it interests me." The only reason my journal was reinstated is because my friends in various fandom communities emailed the administration every day on my behalf. This is what happens with zero tolerance policies and places that care more about words than about context, a world where we think words are dangerous and companies that care more about looking good "hey, we don't tolerate pedophiles" than they do about their users. It's a good stance that sounds good on paper, the problem is they don't look, read, and learn to see who is really a threat and who is speaking their minds in a non-dangerous way like that kid in that video. We're moving in a scary direction, folks.
In my state (Michigan) we amended the constitution back in 2004 to say gays weren't allowed to marry or even create a union called a Domestic Partnership, and it's sad that we amended the constitution to take rights AWAY from out citizens. And is it becoming dangerous to speak out about these things? If the guy is causing a disturbance, yes, ask him to leave, even escort him out, but when he's lying helpless on the ground begging you not to tase him and offering to leave, don't tase him while he screams in pain! While you're down there you can frisk him and see if he has a gun, don't torture the guy! Jesus Christ! Could someone please inform the government that George Orwell's 1984 is NOT an instruction manual?
This isn't one of those annoying guilt-trip memes where I say you're not an American or anything, but if you agree with this and it scares you too, could you take a few moments to hit "reply," copy the code and text, and repost this video? I don't give a rat's fuck if you agree with me or not, I just want to spread the word as much as I can...maybe if people are aware, we at least stand a chance of turning things around. People standing by not noticing while things got worse and worse was the cause of tragedies like what happened in Nazi Germany...I hope we don't repeat that mistake.