I hung out with my friend Mandy last night. I talked with her about the situation with the guy Sunny who told me she said I'd have sex with him, and I also talked with her about all the other stuff in our friendship, and she apologized and...yeah. We're ok. I wasn't even really mad anymore by this time. She's my friend, and I know she's not perfect but neither am I, and I don't just drop people because we fight or disagree. I spent the rest of the day and part of the night hanging out with her and her friend Nicole (who I love...we have a lot in common and it was really fun meeting her and getting to know her, I look forward to hanging out with her more when she comes back next semester). We all ate at Bob Evans and then they talked me into getting a ticket to see Spider Man 3 that night, so we went back to my house so I could change clothes, and we found out that John's band Chupakabra was going to be playing at a party that night, so we went to the party before the movie and we had a lot of fun. We didn't stay long enough to see the band, but I figured that would be ok because I really wanted to see the movie and I thought it would be awesome...
It wasn't.
First of all, I want to say that I recognized when the movie left comic book land and became Hollywood near the end, and I was ok with that, I rationalized it away. I knew they took HUGE liberties with the Venom storyline from the comics, and since it worked ok with their plotline for the movie, I didn't mind it so much, I let it slide. And I was prepared for some sentimentality and I was ready to cry and leave the movie ready to call and forgive everyone in my life that I'm angry with. I figured it was going to shove a forgiveness message down my throat, and as long as they handled it with some finesse, I was prepared to accept that. I was sitting next to Mandy's brother Tyler, and he's a comic book purist, so as soon as Peter started asking Harry for help in the movie, Tyler was pissed, but I held out, I had hope, I kept expecting them to make the ending worthwhile even if it was different. I didn't get pissed until much later, but taken together, all signs pointed to a spectacularly terrible finish. We are treated to:
-A 10 minute speech from Harry's butler about how we should forgive and love people
-A 10 minute speech from Sandman about how he loved his daughter (and we should forgive and love people)
-A speech from Peter forgiving Sandman
-A 10 minute speech from Harry about how he loved Peter and Mary Jane (and we should forgive and love people)
-A 10 minute speech from Spider Man about how we should forgive and love people
-A teary reunion of Peter and Mary Jane because apparently, they haven't decided to forgive and love each other yet until the very end of the movie (what's wrong with them? Didn't they hear the speeches?)
COME ON. Give me a fucking break. If I wanted to watch an afterschool special about forgiveness and love, I would watch that. I didn't pay to watch them botch everything that made my comic great, and then shit all over me while trying to shove a message down my throat. The speech from Uncle Ben in the first movie works because old people are ALLOWED to give speeches, and it rings true. As does Aunt Mae's speech earlier in the third movie. I got it, we need to forgive, now shut the fuck up and make a MOVIE, not a collection of 10 minute monologues on forgiveness that stop the action completely and force me to listen to schmaltz while I'm trying to watch a MOVIE. It's bad enough that you ruin the storyline, you're allowed to do whatever you want with the material, but if you don't have enough sense to do it with style, then don't waste my fucking time, assholes. I would have been better off burning my money than watching this trainwreck. I can't believe I missed out on seeing an awesome band play to watch this dreck. The Sci-Fi channel makes better movies. At least they don't take themselves too seriously. Jesus.
After this, Mandy became super crabby, so she took me home and I hung out downstairs listening to the drunken members of Chupakabra fighting about philosophical mishmash that didn't even really make sense...I like Randy, but he's like one of those students in Dr, Aiken's class who knows everything...Dani and Rachel and Matt will know what I'm talking about. He just went on and on, berating Shawn for not agreeing with him, and it was kind of funny to watch, but it was also nice ot get to discuss things with people the few times I got to jump in. I don't get to have conversations like that anymore now that I've graduated from college. And it's nice hanging out with John and getting to talk with him. I miss that. I miss my boyfriend, but more than that, I miss my best friend...I hope I'm not alone and lonely all the time when I move into my new apartment. I'm not even going to have internet for awhile (until I get a job and can pay the bill) so I'll only be online sporadically whenever I can connect at the library.
Anyway...hanging out last night was cool. Really cool. It reminded me of when I had friends and people who liked to THINK and were passionate about it, and we could talk and argue and disagree, but in the end I was safe because I knew we all respected each other and we weren't going to go off and gossip about each other or flip out on each other about our opinions...this is the song I want to play for my boyfriend or girlfriend someday, but alas, someday is not here yet, so until that day...who am I kidding, that day will never come because I'm never fucking getting into a relationship ever again. Ahem. Anyway, since I don't have a boyfriend anymore, I'm dedicating this song to all of you, my friends. Thank you for the words and thank you for the silence.
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