Probably not.
I bought 4 new movies today...
Dark Fields
Hell's Gate 11:11
HAunted Highway
Of all of them, Zodiac has the best chance of being good. Let's hope so.
Our bathroom is still shitlogged. We don't know what to do. We've plunged numerous times, drain snaked twice, unscrewed and emptied pipes, heated up the pipes with a heater in the basement in hopes of thawing it...nothing works. It won't flush or clear the shit out of the pipes, it smells horrible, and it's disgusting in there. Gah. I don't know what to do next.
I hate Big Rapids. But I got my ATM card working (finally, after trying to clear up this pin number garbage since NOVEMBER) so I'm happy about that, and I got my hair cut and it looks really cute. So it's not all bad, just...shitty. HA. Sigh.
I don't want to be a Wiccan. Seriously. Nothing against them, I just don't want to follow someone else's strict set of rules or guidelines. I work out my salvation with fear and trembling, so I can't be a part of anything that's supposed to be oathbound anyway. His House wanted us to do some things that we couldn't tell others about in a leadership training program, and I thought it was bullshit then and I still think it is now. I understand why discretion is needed in spiritual matters, and I won't tell everyone everything about my beliefs or practices or experiences either, but I still need input...I think I'd wither away and die without
peskipiksi and
thecherrywench to discuss things with me...I need to ramble on about my experiences in order to find truth or even make sense of them, it's just the way I am. So...I don't know exactly where to go from here. One of Marian Green's steps she wants people to take is to research other religions, but I've done that extensively aready, so I'm sitting here not knowing if what I've done already is enough and if I can move onto the other chapters and steps in that book or not, and it bothers me, but there's no way to KNOW these things, so I actually flirted with the idea of going to that Revival Christian Church this Sunday simply because I'd know what to DO there, how to act, what to say, and how to move through the motions. This makes me think I need some kind of set guidelines, but just because I WANT to follow set guidelines doesn't mean it's the RIGHT thing for me to do, it's just familiar, and we all know how well I do when I have to follow strict guidelines.
Shit in my bathroom and in my life and in my head. And quite possibly in my DVD player shortly as well...ewww...