thanks Rachel

Jul 04, 2006 20:09

Many thanks go out to thecherrywench, whose post about running inspired me to go running my 6 miles tonight before work instead of lying in bed furious because I can't sleep. You rule, Rachel. I'm going to be tired tonight, but nowhere near as frustrated as I am when I lie in bed and get nothing done AND don't sleep.

Woot for small victories!

In other news, needs to die. When I was searching their DVDs and VHS today, I decided to try and see if I could get the rest of the "Witchcraft" movies cheap on VHS, since I have parts 1, 3, 4, and 5 and want the rest (even though they suck even by bad horror movie standards) because I am insane. Anyway, every single time I tried searching in DVD and VHS for "Witchcraft" the website kept reframing my search and giving me all BOOK results for "Witchcraft," and titles and lists like "LEarn more" and "get past steteotypes" and "learn what REAL paganism is, don't hold onto your old biased, prejudiced notions of what Wiccans are..." etc. Now after about 5 tries, this pissed me off. First, I realize that the halloween decorations with green-faced witches with long, warty noses are not what most practicing Wiccans look like. Second, I do not expect to find accurate and unbiased portrayals of Paganism in the movie "Witchcraft 4: The Virgin Heart." I don't expect to find ANYTHING accurate about that movie, it is a cheezy, Z grade horror flick. If I were to want accurate information about Paganism, I WOULD read a obok, but I would go to my friends peskipiksi or thecherrywench to get suggestions for such a book, I would not just type "witchcraft" into the search function on AMAZON.COM. So for crying out fucking loud, can you just PRETEND I might possible have SOME IDEA what I'm doing when I use your site and leave my search results the hell ALONE next time?


running, friends, religion, communication, books, movies, horror movies

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