Mar 15, 2005 19:46
This has been a good last few days. On friday cutty, my girlfriend and i went to the hoop fest at the tacoma dome. then on saturday ann and i saw pipin the musical at our school, she said it was pretty good for a stadium production. Then i reminded her she goes to wilson and she got quiet. Today in band we got the most uncle tom peice of music ever it was called 3 negro dances, and my friend paul, the only black kid in band is conducting it. lol. that would be like me conducting a peice called the caucasian persuasion.
Guess who's number 1 seed on the golf team as of now. FUNNY GOLF STORIES: Holla, that's right it's me. I had the game of my life thursday shot an even par and played descent today. The normal number 1 , kevin, had a rough day. he snapped 2 clubs in half in the first 4 holes. then some kids were playing a short distance from the golf course and it was irritating him so he told a bunch of 5 year olds to shut the fuck up in front of our coach. lol. The kids got real quiet after that. the funniest shit i've seen on the course in a while. The second funny thing happened yesterday when i was playin with some of the sophomores and i was giving this one kid a lot of shit becuase his brother steen graduated last year. so any way he's on the t-box and he drops his pants and boxer down around his ankles and hits his drive butt ass naked. not only that but it was the only good shot i've ever seen him hit, so we told him he should do that more often. lol.
Sorry if i've been neglecting my freinds as of late. It seems like i spend all my time with ann. But i really like spending time with her and things between us coulden't be better, but let me know if i'm not giving you the attention you all deserve. AND i'll be attending wilson's formal in a couple weeks. Holla. Post a coment or somthing.