In Progress // Closed

Feb 19, 2009 22:44

Title: It's an adventure, right? Right?!
Characters: Haruhi Suzumiy and Kyon
Location: Cafeteria and ...
Rating: PG...?
Summary: Kyon and Haruhi's first day together.
Day/Time: Day 95 / Morning

It’s boring if I don’t go to a place of no return )

kyon, haruhi suzumiya

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smirkinggoddess February 21 2009, 02:10:23 UTC
Haruhi was not like Kyon. She knew that there were more important things to be done than to sit around and eat waffles.

"Let's go, Kyon!"

So, the brunette wasted no time in entering the cafeteria, locating her classmate, and dragging him away from the table. Who needed breakfast when you had a whole mental hospital to explore?

"We're going to look around this place! It has to be interesting!" she said cheerfully, heading across the room with the other brunette in tow.


cynicaldevotee February 21 2009, 15:23:00 UTC
Orange juice and table… Kyon sighed quietly as he set his tray down, dropping into his chair with a slump and a sigh he reached for the life-sustaining food before him, bleary eyes staring at the food that nearly sparkled before him, the first real food he’d eaten in days.

His ears only dimly registered Haruhi’s words as she approached from behind, his head turning a bit to look up at her. Hm? She has no tray, has she eaten alread-GAH! Haruhi’s hand around the collar of his jacket startled him, his feet clumsily stumbling forward in an attempt to regain balance while his hands reach behind him to grasp at one of the waffles, wholly uneaten on the plate, still sparkling in his eyes ( ... )


smirkinggoddess February 21 2009, 22:35:43 UTC
"Kyon, if we wait around here and eat our breakfast, we'll never find all of the interesting things around here!" Haruhi said loudly to her classmate as she pulled him away from the food. "Or, worse...other people will find them before we do! We can't let that happen! As members of the SOS Brigade, it's our job to get ahead of the rest of the supernatural investigators and discover those interesting things!"

Who cared if they-...or, rather, she...was the only one really looking for aliens, time-travelers, and Espers! She had to find them before the staff got rid of them at least!

"Where do you think that we should look first?" she asked rhetorically, probably not going to listen to Kyon no matter what he said.


cynicaldevotee February 22 2009, 17:03:19 UTC
“Mm hmm am mh mummo…” he mumbled through his bread, reaching a hand up to free it from his mouth as the other tries to grasp at her hand, “I said, how are we supposed to search for these things on an empty stomach?! Gack! T-tight! Pulling too tight!”

The bread slipped through his fingers as he choked and he watched it bounce on the floor dismally, his heart sinking down into his stomach… possibly to be digested, “Hmph… Haruhi if there were such things here by now don’t you think they’d of been found already? Or if not that there’d be some trick to them? I mean the obvious places would be in a basement level or the top floors where-Eh! N-never mind that! You owe me a breakfast!”

Turning he attempted to face the direction he was being dragged in so he could see where she was taking him.


smirkinggoddess February 22 2009, 23:59:58 UTC
"Dummy! No one's going to find them if they're hidden well!" she responded to the first part of his reasoning with dismissive contempt, before moving on to the next part. "And we're going to be the ones to find them, no matter how well they're hidden! You'd better keep a sharp eye out, 'cause if we miss anything, it's a penalty for you!"

And only for him, of course.

Haruhi stopped in the middle of a hallway, looking to her left and right as she tried to determine where she wanted to go. A second later the brown-haired girl had dragged her classmate into a side room, where boxes were stacked up to the ceiling.

"Let's look around in here! I'm sure these boxes have interesting things in them!" she said, releasing Kyon's collar at last.


cynicaldevotee February 23 2009, 00:29:35 UTC
“Shouldn’t we be included in the words ‘no one’?!” he shot back, nearly biting his tongue once more as she continued to pull, “W-what about the other new Brigade members? What happened to them?!”

Pulled suddenly to the right into a room that looked like it hadn’t been touched since the original move to the States, the smell reminded him of books which of course reminded him of Yuki. Couldn’t they save them from this? No, this was another task delegated exclusively to him, “Meh, fine. If this is what we have to do today… but you’re mistaken if I miss another meal today.”

At least he knew Haruhi wouldn’t miss two meals in a row… would she? Gritting his teeth at the sudden chill down his spine he cast his gold hued eyes at her over his shoulder as she let him go, “You’re expecting me to open all of them… aren’t you?”

Hanging his head with a loud sigh he moved forward to grasp the first box and pull it away from the others, fingers pulling at the tape on top of the boxes to pull it open and reveal…


smirkinggoddess February 23 2009, 01:54:00 UTC
...Packaging peanuts.

"What the...?!" Haruhi exclaimed, digging furiously into one of the larger boxes in the room. It seemed that the room really was just for box-storage, maybe in case they moved again. Haruhi actually climbed into the box (it seemed to be a refrigertor box) and then stuck her head out through the layers of peanuts, scowling.

"There's nothing in these stupid boxes!" she complained, climbing out of the box again. Packaging materials clung to her clothes, and she picked them off, violently flicking them around the room.


cynicaldevotee February 23 2009, 02:11:24 UTC
Kyon’s head hung further down, almost touching his hair against the static cling of the styrofoam devils. He remained motionless, both arms locked with a hand placed on each corner of the box to steady himself, listening to Haruhi’s talk and rummage around. Breakfast… was missed for this?

“… heh…” a few peanuts drifted around from the breath of air, a slow smile spreading across his lips, “… heh... ehehahaha!” Kyon’s head picks up as he chuckles, almost erupting into a laugh as he watches Haruhi pick herself clean, “Ah, f-found something unusual, Haruhi!”

A hand lifting to extend a finger toward her.


smirkinggoddess February 23 2009, 02:16:47 UTC
Haruhi's mouth fell open slightly as Kyon addressed her as 'something unusual'. "You idiot!" she exclaimed, and promptly picked up a small cardboard box and threw it at the brunette.

"If you're not going to be serious, then you can forget about ever getting out of here," she said, sticking her chin out, and failing to notice a few peanuts stuck to her sleeves. "I'll tell the people that run this dump that you're a crazy person who digs through boxes of packaging materials all day long, because you're delusional."


cynicaldevotee February 23 2009, 02:31:17 UTC
“Ow!” he exclaimed as the box bounced off his head, Kyon’s head snapping back while peanuts were sent flying; even with his finger still pointing at her. That moment was brief however, as both hands went to his face holding onto his forehead, “Serious?! You’re the one that picked a random room full of packaging peanuts! Are we going to be searching every room that strikes your whim today?”

Rubbing his head a moment longer he scowled as he scooped up a hand full of peanuts and flung them in her direction; most of them failing to drift more than a few inches, “If I’m crazy then you’re guilty of kidnapping!”


smirkinggoddess February 23 2009, 02:38:18 UTC
"Crazy!" she repeated loudly, throwing another peanut-filled box at her classmate. "We'll just have to look in another room, since this one's totally worthless..."

With a heavy, dramatic sigh, the brunette Brigade Chief headed over to the door, not bothering to drag Kyon. The room was littered with fallen boxes and packaging materials, looking quite as if a charging rhino had run around the room in circles just for the heck of it. Not noticing this, Haruhi stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Let's go, already!"


cynicaldevotee February 23 2009, 02:48:45 UTC
Managing to dug the box but not the after wash of peanuts flowing out of it he wipes at them, continuing to scowl as they fling to anything and everything, “Haruhi, we’re not going to leave this room like this are we?”

Hesitantly glancing back over the room he moved towards her, picking peanuts out of his hair with one hand while reaching out to pick one of the packing peanuts off her sleeve with the other. Holding it before her and then sticking it to the middle of her forehead with a sudden victorious smile, “We’ll be punished with an extra week if we’re caught being responsible for something like this.”


smirkinggoddess February 23 2009, 03:01:17 UTC
Haruhi frowned as Kyon stuck a packing peanut to her forehead, and removed it before saying, "We're not going to get caught, Kyon! We're going to close the door and walk away!"

She pulled him out by the sleeve, closing the door behind them. A few packing peanuts piled up near the door, but the brunette ignored them and turned her gaze on the rest of the long hallway.

"I guess we should just keep going, and see what we find," she said, and started tromping down the hallway.


cynicaldevotee February 23 2009, 13:16:46 UTC
Scowling at her response he had no time for a retort as he is yanked out into the hallway, lacking the strength to resist after skipping breakfast. He furiously brushes at his sleeves and head to dislodge the rest of the peanuts he might of missed. Another room?!

“Another room?!” he voiced his thought a second later, following behind Haruhi in an attempt to dislocate the last one from her sleeve quietly, hoping to shed the last of the evidence from the two of them. Not that he was protesting strongly, in the back of his mind he knew. If Haruhi didn’t know every square inch of this facility already it meant she had been too depressed to even search it until this point. “If the next room is packing peanuts too you definitely owe me lunch.”


smirkinggoddess February 24 2009, 01:46:45 UTC
"Whatever, Kyon," Haruhi sighed, as if Kyon was a persistant five-year-old asking for a cookie. "It won't be packing peanuts. It's going to be something interesting and exciting!"

She had no idea what the other rooms would have of course. Looking stealthily down a hallway, the brunette teenager proceeded down another corridor, pulling her classmate along with her. Maybe he didn't like being pulled away from his breakfast to explore rooms like this, but she knew that if he really had protests...well, he'd just get up and leave, right?


cynicaldevotee February 24 2009, 12:41:02 UTC
Kyon’s head hangs once again as she continues to tug at his sleeve like some sort of five-year-old leading him to where cookies are. Dismissed so quickly! Muttering to himself he continued to follow her and her unsettling pace that was always just slightly faster than a normal stride. That’s what you said about our searches at Kitaguchi Station and…

Kyon continued to stay quiet, the station name bringing back all too many memories. Mikuru’s confession. The day spanning searches. Haruhi failing to show up before him… his lips curl into a small smile. “Ha, fine! Then accept responsibility; it should be a penalty if the Brigade Chief leads us astray three times in a row!”


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