Complete // Closed

Feb 15, 2009 21:25

Title: 'Cause the boy I love has gone so far away
Characters: Haruhi Suzumiy and Kyon
Location: Night Room
Rating: PG...?
Summary: Kyon has shown up at Malaise House. Haruhi doesn't know what to think.
Day/Time: Day 94 / Evening

And it hurt so much I almost lost my music )

kyon, haruhi suzumiya

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cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 02:48:32 UTC
“Haruhi?” Kyon calls quietly as he steps into the night room, finger tips pressing into the palm of his hand as he looks for the nurse on duty. Breathing out a sigh of relief at seeing none he casts his gold hued eyes toward the rest of the room.

His heart threatens to burst out of his chest any moment now, the whole facility still giving him the creeps. His mind raced eves a hundred miles an hour even as he moves slowly: Was this her doing, or is a place like this normal? Either way something like this was out of his experiences in life to judge. All those thoughts dissipated like fog evaporating under a hot sun as he meets Haruhi’s glare.

“Ha… Haruhi…” his words faltering him at such a key point, eyes widening as he expected an outburst to assault him at any moment. Kyon raises both hands in either an effort to signal for her to calm down… or defend himself.


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 02:55:56 UTC
Haruhi's gaze snapped over to meet Kyon's the moment she heard him, her mouth a thin line. It was obvious that she was displeased with the other teenager, though what was bothering the girl was unclear.

"Kyon, you..." she started, and twitched slightly, as if she was planning on moving forward. She didn't however, and instead remained where she was, frozen in place.

"...Why are you here?" she asked quietly, her expression serious, and for some reason, a little bitter. "Did they send you to check on me, or something?"


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 03:13:43 UTC
The breath he had unconsciously been holding since spotting her was let go, a soft sigh easing out of him as a small amount of relief poured in. She wasn’t going to yell at him this late at night. Yet that expression on her face…

“Hmph… it’s good to see you too, Haruhi.” He counters, his own soft voice carrying through the still of night as the corner of his lips curled into a slight smile, one that only lasted a moment. His footsteps stilled and came to a halt, her mannerisms freezing his will to take another step forward, no, perhaps it was more right to say that they demanded this of him.

He shook his head a little, trying to free himself of the unnecessary thoughts, “They? Who’s they? Wait… don’t answer that yet. I’ll just tell you simply … I’m… committed here now too.”

A light grimace accompanies the emphasized word, his eyes wavering away from hers.


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 03:18:50 UTC
This statement surprised the stony-faced brunette; an expression of great surprised replaced the one of bitterness that had been there a moment before. Looking suddenly concerned, the girl said, "'re stuck here, too? Why would they make you stay here?"

And with her, no doubt! With the crazy, abnormal girl from his old school! Suddenly, memories of when she had been brought to Malaise flooded into Haruhi's mind, and another expression of cold detachment appeared on her face once again.

"I guess the guilt ate away at you until you went crazy," she said in a low voice, her arms crossed as she continued to stare down her classmate. "Feeling bad, after you let them drag me away and lock me up here?"


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
His head dips in a nod to her first question, both hands raising palms up as he shrugs afterward, his eyes finding hers once more, “Hmph… who knows… they diagnosed me with mild things like Sleep Walking. I think…”

His teeth grit at the sudden look, the words dying in his throat once more. T-this is Haruhi, right? He could live with the tone, or the look. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t threatened him a hundred times before. This was… something else.

The implication was easy enough… she was accusing him of betrayal. His mind tried to grasp this concept and utterly rejected it a moment later, his head shaking to mimic the inner thinking, “W-what? Haruhi, be serious!” He bites down on his own lower lip, wincing at his own sudden loudness; he waves a hand to the side to reinforce his inner dismissal.

“… what did you want? We…I talked to the people who came around asking about you. Eccentric maybe… crazy? No.” he continued a breath later, pausing again to keep himself from ranting.


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 04:02:46 UTC
Sleep walking. Haruhi felt flames of anger lick the insides of her stomach at Kyon's off-hand comment about why he, too, had been locked in Malaise House. How could someone as...someone like Kyon be put into a mental institution! And with her, no less...the crazy, obsessed high schooler. He didn't deserve to be in there, and if they had put him in there just to spite her ( ... )


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 04:29:10 UTC
Kyon quietly stood there through it, the situation reminding him of that one time near the train tracks… in a twisted way. It’s not that he chose to keep his ground and tongue still; there just was no other choice. Her words were everywhere… sometimes mirroring his own thoughts, sometimes attacking him. He didn’t like this place either, damn it!

A frown traced along his lips, his clever tongue failing him now, extending out the pause that so desperately begged for reassurances, for anything out of him but silence. Worst of all… she was right. Whether he had tried, or not meant nothing. She was still here, and he had been out there. His hands curled up into fists, fingernails biting into the skin of his palms as he brought back his wandering attention. Haruhi was still standing before him.

“Haruhi…” his lips eased out her name, working once more. “I know…”

Was all Kyon could say.


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 04:36:34 UTC
Haruhi said nothing in response, all of her anger disappearing as quickly as it had come. She sighed softly, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor...she maybe wanted to get closer to him, maybe, but her body wasn't responding to her now. She was mentally drained, and had no idea what to do next.

"...I just..." she started, words failing her as she stared at the carpet, "...It's been really hard here. I don't really know anybody, and these people aren't really interesting anyway. You'd think, in a place like this..."

The ghost of a smile appeared on her features; the faintest trace of her old attitude flashing by. Haruhi looked up for a fourth time at her male classmate, cocking her head to the side, her hair falling to frame her face.

"I missed you," she said simply, in a very straightforward tone. "I missed you, I missed...all of you."


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 13:26:48 UTC
Rings of amber watched her sit there in a sudden yet typical display of stubborn Haruhi attitude, his head dipping down as he runs his fingers through his mop of hair. His hand's motion stalls however as she begins to speak again, his palm lingering on his forehead momentarily before falling to his side, his hair settling back into place ( ... )


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 13:58:23 UTC
"Of course he is," Haruhi responded promptly, her attitude shining through the doom and gloom of the one moments ago. "He is Deputy Chief, after all. I guess he'll do a good job while I'm gone."

Haruhi stared pointedly at the door across from her, thinking over what had just happened. She wasn't ashamed of her actions...Haruhi Suzumiya was rarely ever ashamed of anything she said or did. Her harsh words toward Kyon had needed to be said...she still wasn't sure if he had wanted her to stay or leave their old school. After all, she had dragged him (literally) into the SOS Brigade, insulted him daily, and made him do a number of things he definitely did not want to do ( ... )


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 20:00:51 UTC
“Hmph,” was his answer. Kyon’s eyes trace the unfamiliar ceiling above them, his right hand’s index finger tapping quietly on the floor behind them as he continued. “… He took it more seriously than I’d like. Although now he’s got one less person under his care.”

Looking up at the ceiling his previous wandering thoughts were buzzing around, too many to focus on any of them for more than a second. Koizumi’s troubles with the blue giants, Yuki’s explanations, Haruhi’s lash out, and whether or not she was responsible indirectly for all this… it was all too much to deal with, who had tasked him with such responsibilities? It was too daunting to think of Haruhi as anything other than Haruhi; which was trouble enough. Ha… such thoughts, they’d be sure to think I’m crazy if they heard things like that. His wiry lips shape into a more typical smile at that thought, her voice causing him to turn his face toward her some, similar hued eyes watching hers.

“I’ve heard of her in passing… you’re sure it’s the Misa Amane, and not someone claiming ( ... )


smirkinggoddess February 16 2009, 22:49:41 UTC
"Of course it's her. And I know what she's in here for, too," the brunette scoffed. She could not give such precious knowledge to a lowly Chore Boy, however, so she did not elaborate on the statement.

At Kyon's question, the girl looked looked ahead of them at one of the less-than-appealing-looking chairs, moving her mouth back and forth. "I guess you're right," she said, shrugging her shoulders, as if having him around was no consolation at all.

He knew better than to trust her words to represent her feelings, though.

"Don't think that because you're here, you get to slack off on Brigade duties, you got that?" Haruhi said, suddenly using her normal tone. She leaned forward, staring at the other teenager with a soul-piercing stare, as they sat in the middle of the Night Room floor.

"Having one of the original members is better than none, I guess," she resolved, prodding his forehead with her index finger.


cynicaldevotee February 16 2009, 23:47:55 UTC
What could he say against an argument like That? Rolling his eyes upward at the proclamation that was now to be treated like it had been written on stone tablets he let his head sink down, chin almost touching his chest, and sighs. There was just no winning around this golden eyed demon. How quickly he had forgotten and quicker to be reminded.

The wry smile stays cemented on Kyon’s lips after the sigh though; his head tilting to the side as if he lacks the energy to pick his head back up, watching her as she carries on without care of his silence. I haven’t missed this… have I? Who would miss some-Grck! His eyes widen as she leans in, Kyon’s head straightening up and the hairs on the back of his head raising as well. Wait… what had she been saying a moment ago? Was he supposed to respond here... that gaze was troubling, even more so when she was leaning in so close. Hasn't she heard of personal space?!Lacking a response to the unheard question, Kyon is rescued by her continuance, scowling lightly when she prods his forehead and ( ... )


smirkinggoddess February 17 2009, 01:50:13 UTC
"You can't quit the Brigade now, Kyon," the brown-haired girl said, a mischivieous grin spreading across her face as she pulled back. "Once you join, you're a member for life! You signed a legal and binding contract, and now you're stuck with the SOS Brigade forever!"

So what if there was no real contract? She could pretend, couldn't she? Haruhi got to her feet again, crossing her arms.

"We'll have to recruit new members to continue the Brigade here, of course," she said conversationally. "Maybe, if Koizumi, Yuki, and Mikuru are sent here...then we'll have the real SOS Brigade again! Wouldn't that be great, Kyon?"

At this last thought, Haruhi's eyes sparkled as they hadn't since she had arrived in Malaise. It filled her with thoughts of club meetings, baseball games, trips to mysterious islands, computer battles, Mikuru's costumes, and days spent in the sunshine. Haruhi knew that those thoughts were in her past now, but maybe...if she tried really hard...

...Maybe those happy memories could be made here, too.


cynicaldevotee February 17 2009, 02:18:09 UTC
His smile slowly faltered into another of his typical looks, a frown. “W-what? I signed no such thing. You’re imagining things again…” he continued uselessly as she talked over him and onward, eliciting another sigh from his lips, eyelids closing to obscure golden pools; the ability to keep them open succumbing to the night as it wore on.

The sound of her standing causes Kyon to crack one open to glance up at her, the frown deepening as her latest thoughts are revealed. “That’s not something to even joke around about Haruhi. I haven’t been here for a full day yet and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be here, nor do I wish either of us to stay here any longer then necessary.”

Straightening Kyon pulls his arms from behind him to cross them in front of himself, “That isn’t to say we can’t have fun here but,” he sighs, struggling for words before he rubs his palm against his forehead, “… wouldn’t you rather run your Brigade from outside these walls?”


smirkinggoddess February 17 2009, 02:25:35 UTC
An expression of anger flashed across Haruhi's face, and the expression didn't entirely fade as she swallowed. "...Of course I'd rather be back home, Kyon," she said, in the same cold, forced voice as before. "Why do you think...that I'd ever want to be stuck in a place like this?"

Had he really lost his mind? Why was he saying things like that to her, when he knew full well that she hated to be trapped anywhere? Especially when that 'anywhere' was in a mental institution, where people thought she was crazy, even though the things she talked about had to exist...

"...You can't just leave a place like this. It isn't a vacation, Kyon," the brunette said, not meeting his gaze, and instead staring determinedly at the doorway again. "They're not just going to let us out of here."


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