[In progress, open]

Jan 31, 2009 22:35

Title: Look, But Don't Touch
Characters: Reno, OPEN
Location: Security Station
Rating: PG-13 for Reno's mouth
Summary: Wait, Reno's doing real work? Is this a sign of the apocalypse or a sign that maybe- just maybe- the Turk's learning how to take things seriously? On the off chance it's the latter, staff and patients are invited to witness this ( Read more... )

reno, hyuuga neji

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fatedflight February 1 2009, 08:53:43 UTC
It had taken him a bit to get up also, but he'd ignored the throbbing in his head, gotten some painkillers and downed them before going to get dressed for his morning watch. He continued down the hall now, shifting his paperwork to under his arm and holding two small, styrofoam cups of coffee with one hand, the other gripping his bottle of aspirin.

Neji had promised Reno he'd bring him some painkillers, so he figured it would be best to do that now and the coffee . . was just to help.

Once he reached the station, he switched things again, this time tucking the bottle into his pocket for a minute and opening the door, peering in at the redhead afterwards. ``Someone wanted a bit of help with a headache?`` He'd almost said hangover, but thought better of it for now.


ironchefmidgar February 1 2009, 09:31:51 UTC
As the smell of coffee got stronger, the Turk looked up and nodded at the person entering the room. Apparently, he and Neji managed to be on speaking terms after last night's antics- at least the other guard was nice enough to bring him his second-most preferred beverage along with something to help with the massive headache he'd nursed all morning.

"Thanks. You'd think it'd be mostly the patients who feel like they want to die, but today it's me."

The Turk laughed, and after taking the bottle from Neji he downed a handful of the pills inside followed by the contents of one of the coffee cups. Sure, he'd most likely die an early death, either by liver failure or in his chosen line of work- he'd accepted that years ago- but anything to help how he felt right now was more than welcome.

"Thank Holy I didn't go to that picnic. I see you skipped out too."


fatedflight February 1 2009, 09:42:16 UTC
He nodded back at Reno and stepped into the room, moving to set down the two cups of coffee and tossing his paperwork onto the other nearby table, for once not caring if the paper fell out even though it didn't.

``Oh, yes. I am surprised that I have even gotten up right now, but I'm not going to miss the shift. The Head would probably kill me.``

Neji grabbed one of the chairs and dragged it up next to the other male's, sitting down and leaning back against it, his fingers rubbing at his temples just barely. The throbbing was going down, though it was sure taking it's sweet time. He really hoped the painkillers would kick in fast.

``. . . actually, I was suppose to be there, but I guess I'm going to be late.``


ironchefmidgar February 1 2009, 10:01:01 UTC
"Late's better than not showing up at all. I made it here on time, for once. Guess sittin' in this cave isn't all that bad. This place needs a coffeemaker, otherwise I don't have much else to bitch about."

Head still throbbing, Reno rubbed the back of his neck and leaned back in his chair before putting his feet up on the desk. Sure, it was almost naptime again, but the redhead wasn't about to act that unprofessionally in front of the other guard.

"Hope you had fun last night. I did."


fatedflight February 1 2009, 10:19:33 UTC
``Yes, I suppose that is true. The sun will probably bother me, so I'd like to avoid it as much as possible right now, but I will go.``

He shifted in his chair some, tucking his arms across his stomach and tilting his head back to let his hair fall out of his eyes, not quite noticing the fact he hadn't wrapped anything around his forehead today to hide the little marking that he had there.

``Well, it sure `lightened` me up, if that's what you mean.``


ironchefmidgar February 1 2009, 10:29:56 UTC
"Good thing- I wasn't about to pull on whatever stick you had shoved up your ass, so I figured we might've been better off getting drunk. Are we cool now or what? 'm sitting here so I'm obviously not the lazy asshole you thought I was- never mind that whole thing from the other night."

Reno hoped the other guard agreed with him, and added the now-empty cup to the tower he'd been working on. A careful hand placed the object atop the others, and once satisfied, he turned to look at Neji.

"The hell's wrong with your forehead?" he asked, only just now realizing the marks under his eyes hadn't been a topic of conversation.


fatedflight February 1 2009, 10:47:36 UTC
Neji wasn't sure how he was going to be able to deal with this security guard, but he did know that the man did get his job done, despite being lazy. He figured that being friends with him would be better than trying to avoid him altogether. Besides, Reno had gotten him drunk and it had been a good night. ``Yes, we're . . cool.``

He reached out to pick up the other cup of coffee, holding it out to Reno and smirking ever so slightly. He could live without it for a day.

The question made him raise an eyebrow and straighten up, his hand lifting from his side to touch where the marking was. He shut his eyes, mentally scolding himself for not wearing a headband. ``Just . . something I got when I was younger.``


ironchefmidgar February 1 2009, 11:08:18 UTC
"Works for me. I did a lot of stupid shit when I was younger- never mind some of that stupid shit happened maybe two days ago- life's just like that. Life's just like that. Either you go out and try things no matter how stupid they are or you sit on the sidelines and keep wishing that you'd at least tried."

The Turk had a bitter honesty in his voice, his words biting and oddly sympathetic. In his eyes, it never mattered how much trouble he'd get in- Reno and consequences were constantly at odds- it was more about how he'd pull something off he'd be able to boast about later. Exactly how he got the job done wasn't important to him, but the fact that he'd accomplished his goal did.

"Know the feeling. Got these," he said, pointing at the marks on his cheekbones, "when I was young and stupid, kinda like you."


fatedflight February 1 2009, 11:24:13 UTC
Sadly, the throbbing in his head was starting back up, but he acted like there was nothing wrong, just nodding his head towards Reno's words and keeping himself quiet.

He sure sounded like he was trying to be nice and Neji couldn't help the half smile that crossed his face, his hand lowering from his forehead to rest in his lap. He probably wouldn't tell Reno why he got the marking for a long while, though that didn't mean they couldn't talk about it.

His eyes rolled at that, head shaking while he fixed his bangs to cover his forehead once again, settling his hands back onto his thighs afterwards. ``Like me, huh?``


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