[[Progress, it is in]]

Jan 21, 2009 00:20

Title:  The Doctor is In.
Characters: Itachi, Neji
Location:  Itachi's office.
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: During the previous night, Neji got a rather nasty bruise breaking up a fight between patients. Itachi decides to take a look at it.
Day/Time:  Day Ninety-one / Mid-afternoon

Let me check you wounds. )

uchiha itachi, hyuuga neji

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fatedflight January 21 2009, 09:06:29 UTC
Gentle fingers touched the bruise on the right side of his head, soft lavender eyes wincing shut at the throb that went through his cheek. He glared at himself in the passing window, mentally scolding himself for letting that patient hit him so hard. If he'd paid more attention, he could have stopped him.

His promise to Lee was easier to accomplish, now that he actually had a reason to go and see a doctor, though he hadn't expected the doctor to talk to him first.

Once he reached the door, Neji carefully moved his long bangs to hide the bruise from sight, lifting his other hand to knock on the door.


fan_of_red_dawn January 21 2009, 09:17:10 UTC
Looking up, with his reading glasses hanging on the edge of his nose, Itachi went to answer the door.

"Ah, you must be Neji. Please come in."

Itachi stood to the side, motioning for the Hyuuga to come in.

"Well, down to business then. If you could have a seat up there." He pointed up the the examination table, grabbing his clipboard off the desk.


fatedflight January 21 2009, 09:24:14 UTC
Neji pulled his arm back when the door opened, tucking his hands into his sleeves and bowing his head in greeting, but being careful not to move his bangs too much.

``Yes, that would be me.``

He stepped into the room slowly, glancing around then moving towards the table. Lee-kun better be settled with this . . .

``Hm.`` Placing both hands on the surface, he was up and on top of it in one graceful movement, his arms settling near his sides once he was steady.


fan_of_red_dawn January 21 2009, 09:46:06 UTC
Watching how Neji walked, Itachi jotted a quick note down on his clipboard, walking of to him, removing the stethoscope from around his neck.

"First I'm just going to check your vitals. I'll need you to remove your shirt though."

He laid the clipboard off to the side, placing the ear pieces of the stethoscope in his ears, getting ready to check Neji's heart rate and breathing.


fatedflight January 21 2009, 10:01:42 UTC
That comment made him tense, his hand coming up to hold his hair against the right side of his head, making sure the bruise would stay hidden still.

``. . . yes, of course.``

He felt his cheeks heat up which made him move quickly, lifting his arms so he could take off the dark blue, long sleeved shirt he was wearing, revealing the ivory skin beneath.

Tugging the shirt off his arms, he set it aside and placed his hands back into his lap, tilting his head down to let his hair hide the marked side of his face.


fan_of_red_dawn January 21 2009, 10:26:37 UTC
After Neji's shirt had placed to the side, Itachi walked up, and gently placed the stethoscope to Neji's ribs, just over his heart. He counted each beat, watching the seconds on his watch as he did.

He moved the scope just a little lower, "I need you to take a deep breath. In through the nose, and out the mouth." He listened to Neji's lungs as he did as instructed, moving the scope to his back. "Good, one more time."

Satisfied that his breathing and heard rate were normal, Itachi pulled a thermometer from the front pocket of his lab coat, placing a fresh over over the metal tip.

"Open up and place this under your tongue."


fatedflight January 21 2009, 10:33:32 UTC
Tensing again at the cold metal against his chest, Neji glanced down at the stethoscope then shut his eyes, doing his best to ignore the coolness there.

He did as he was told, taking a deep breath through his nose then sighing the air back out, doing it once again when he was told to and trying not to clench his hands when the cold moved to his back.

The brunet stared at the thermometer for a moment, making a slight face then leaning forwards and taking the object under his tongue, being careful to hold still so he wouldn't mess it up.


fan_of_red_dawn January 21 2009, 21:47:57 UTC
Watching the numbers climb, Itachi nodded when the thermometer beeped once, and rested at a normal temperature.

Replacing the device back in his front pocket, Itachi took the light pen from his chest pocket, holding it up.

"Now I want you to follow my finger," he instructed as his other hand came up, his index finger pointed upwards. He pressed the button on the side on the pen, shining the light indirectly in Neji's eyes, his finger moving slowly to one side, and then to the other.


fatedflight January 21 2009, 23:32:00 UTC
When the item beeped, he rolled it under his tongue to see the numbers, lips parting when it was taken out of his mouth.

His hand came up, fingers pressing against his cheek in thought before he straightened up at the sound of the doctor's voice again.

Neji blinked when the light came into his sight for a moment, the lavender color dilating just barely then adjusting afterwards, eyes following Itachi's finger when he moved it from one side then to the other.


fan_of_red_dawn January 22 2009, 06:30:49 UTC
Neji's eyes seemed to follow well enough, and seemed to dilate properly. Replacing the light pen back in his pocket, he picked up his clipboard, scribbling down his findings.

"All seems well, bt I have a few questions before I look at the injury its self."

He paused, looking at Neji to make sure he was following.

"Have you experienced any sever headaches, dizziness or fatigue? How about any nausia, vomiting, or memory problems?"


fatedflight January 22 2009, 06:39:42 UTC
The Hyuuga straightened up a little more, watching Itachi put the light away then moving his hands to grip at the sides of the table, doing his best to not fidget.

``I'm sure that I have answers then.``

He pried his hands off the table and placed them in his lap, locking his fingers together and almost holding his breath.

``The only thing I felt was dizziness, but that was when the patient elbowed me. Other than that, it's just been throbbing.``


fan_of_red_dawn January 22 2009, 06:54:45 UTC
Nodding, Itachi jotted down the responce.

"That's good. So it seems from your responses, both to my questions, and what I've observed, you don't have a concussion, so that's good news. But I'm still going to have a look."

Setting the clipboard off to the side once again, Itachi moved over to the side of Neji where he had attempted to keep his bruise hidden by his coffee colored hair.

Gently, Itachi pushed the hair back, revealing the bruise. Pushing the glasses further up on his nose, Itachi gently pressed on it, observing the Hyuuga's face carefully with onyx eyes.

"It seems he got you pretty well."


fatedflight January 22 2009, 07:02:01 UTC
Again, Neji watched Itachi write, curious as to what he was putting down.

``Ah, I suppose that not having a concussion would be a good thing.``

He watched the older male closely, lavender eyes narrowing ever so slightly; he didn't mean to look so angry or seem so tense, but it was just something he did, being a security guard and all.

When the bruise was revealed, it was rather large, a dark purple mark that started at his temple and trailed down his cheek, almost to his neck. He winced when Itachi pressed on it, clenching his hands some.

``Yes, he did . . . ``


fan_of_red_dawn January 23 2009, 06:10:56 UTC
Itachi smiled politely, removing his hands from Neji's face and hair, letting the strands fall back into place.

"Well, it's a pretty bad bruise, but other then that I don't see anything that could cause further concern."

Turning and walking over to his desk, itachi picked up a small pill bottle, and returned to standing in front of Neji.

"Now, it will be painful for a few days, and tender for several days after that, not that you really need me to tell you that. I sent in for some medication that should help the pain that comes with using the facial muscles. Things such as eating, talking, different facial expressions. Well, you get the idea."

He held the bottle out to Neji.

"I'd recommend taking one every four hours or so, or as needed."


fatedflight January 23 2009, 06:31:41 UTC
He relaxed a bit more when Itachi removed his hands, lifting his own to fix his bangs so the bruise was hidden again.

``No future problems then? It won't leave a scar, will it?``

Neji watched the doctor curiously, almost pushing himself off the table, but thinking better of it for the moment. There might have been other things for him to do.

``I don't think I will have much trouble with the different facial expressions,`` he paused, pressing his fingers against his cheek before wincing barely. Or maybe, he just might.

He reached out to take the bottle, looking it over once then glancing back up at Itachi.

``If it gets worse, what should I do?``


fan_of_red_dawn January 23 2009, 07:27:09 UTC
"No, no scars. Only a yellowish discoloration for a week or so, other then that no permanent damage."

Itachi picked up his clip board, clutching it to his chest with one arm, the other hand pushing his glasses up further on his nose again.

"If it gets worse, or if you happen to experience any odd symptoms come back and see me immediately. I'll make time for you," he replied, with a barely there smirk.


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