
Jun 24, 2008 23:04

Title: Memory Flood
Characters: Dani, Yuuko, Midna, OPEN
Location: Room 112
Rating: PG-13 for angst?
Summary: Dani's memories came back. She's not handling them well.
Day/Time: Day Sixty-One, Morning

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. )


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sickmind_skirts June 25 2008, 22:37:01 UTC
He knew it was a girl's room, and he didn't care that he would get in trouble for it. What he didn't know, though, was why he was even bothering. Dani was just another patient, albeit one that looked almost identical to him but younger and female. So why was he suddenly going to visit her, all because of a journal entry he saw of hers?

Too late to think about that now.

He knocked on the door once, lightly, before stepping in, eyes still half-lidded as though drugged to the point of partial consciousness. "Dani? What's going on?"


hitsuzenwoman June 25 2008, 22:41:48 UTC
Yuuko looked over at Danny. "She's already been sedated." She said, studying the boy. He wasn't hostile. Was he...worried? That was a change. "Midna, this is the boy she looks like."


midnaoftwilight June 25 2008, 23:38:51 UTC
Midna turned when she heard the knocking on the door, her eyebrows raising at the sight of the boy. She was shocked at how much this boy looked like Danielle, it was sort of frightening. So, this was Danny then?

Bringing her hand up, she pressed it against her chest and bowed towards the boy, eyes shutting in the process. Being polite always paid off in the end, so she would just stick with that then. ``Hello Danny. My name is Midna,`` she paused, looking back over her shoulder towards Danielle.

After a few moments, she spoke again, shaking her hair from her face with a soft smile. ``Do you know this girl and if so, how do you know her?``


sickmind_skirts June 27 2008, 00:18:25 UTC
Midna...a new staff member he hadn't seen before. She obviously hadn't been here before, not last week. Yet here she was, taking charge.

"Midna..." He muttered the name softly, as if he had to recite it to remember it. His eyes glanced from Midna to the sedated Dani, not quite sure which person to focus on. Finally, he decided on one of the beds in the room. "I met her here. I..." There was something about her. Something involving crayons and something horrible and the confusing question of blood, which he had a vampire's craves for, yet did not know why.

"That's all," he finally concluded, moving his head away so that even the bed was out of sight.


hitsuzenwoman June 27 2008, 00:23:08 UTC
"It may not be Dani that's directly connected to the boy." Yuuko commented. "She said her full name. Danielle Madeline Masters, wasn't it?" Dani wasn't a boy. So she had to be perfect. But Danny was a boy. So it was only logical Danny was that boy. In Yuuko's mind, at least.


midnaoftwilight June 27 2008, 09:55:03 UTC
``Yes,`` she replied, nodding her head towards the boy when he repeated her name. It was an easy name to remember, but some people used to say her name a couple of times to make sure that they were saying it right. Not too hard to remember, though. . .

Midna thought for a moment, letting Danny's reply process. Well, if he had met her here and only here, then why did they look so alike? She couldn't think of anything past that they were related as either brother and sister or something else. They looked too much alike to just be random people in an asylum.

``Okay, so we have Danny Fenton and Danielle Masters. We've established that they both have a different last name, but then why do they look so similar in appearance?`` The nurse lifted her hand, pressing it against her cheek and holding back the urge to sigh. This was confusing.


sickmind_skirts June 27 2008, 22:14:00 UTC
Danielle Madeline Masters. Was that who Dani was? Danielle Madeline Masters...

Suddenly, as if a sugar rush was coming into effect, his eyes snapped open, his face became expressive, and his body language became tense. "Masters? Masters? As in, Vlad Masters?" He grit his teeth, almost viciously but not quite.

How was Dani related to the fruit loop, then? Oh, and it just figured that her middle name was his mother's first. That crazy man probably named her that way on purpose. Vlad Masters, the disgusting billionaire of a man, he didn't deserve any of the money he had, or the admiration of his parents, and he certainly didn't deserve a daughter.

"There's no way she's a Masters. Vlad's too much of a crazed up fruit loop for that." He was pointing a finger to the sedated girl, almost accusing her for a crime.


hitsuzenwoman June 27 2008, 22:23:50 UTC
Vlad? Oh, now it was making sense. High life. Proper lady. The ability to get her appearance changed and have doctors lie. It takes a lot of money to do that.

"He does have a large section of his company dedicated to medical and genetic advances, doesn't he?" Yuuko asked, looking thoughtful. "I'm sure he could do those surgeries himself if he wanted..." She said in almost a murmur.


midnaoftwilight June 28 2008, 08:05:04 UTC
``Vlad Masters?`` she questioned, glancing between Yuuko and Danny for a moment then staring back towards Dani. That was her father then? She had never heard the name and being here for only a day wasn't going to help that too much. Would she have to act like she knew?

Midna lifted her hand, pressing her finger against her lips thoughtfully before speaking in a curious manner. ``If this Vlad is so crazy himself then why is he not here with his daughter?``

She figured it was a suitable question for the problem that they had at the moment, but she wasn't sure what kind of reaction she was going to get. She just knew that she wanted to help Dani as much as possible.


sickmind_skirts June 28 2008, 17:38:02 UTC
He continued to stare at Dani, as though she was the perpetrator, the one at fault. He didn't even turn to look at Midna as he spoke, and it took a lot of effort to keep his fists clenched, rather than punching a pillow or the like.

"The reason Vlad's not in here himself is because he's got so much money that he can do whatever he likes!" Danny considered himself lucky that Vlad hadn't yet remarried his mom or gotten someone to kill his dad. The man certainly had the money to do it, and it was only a matter of time before it happened.

In fact, it could've happened while he was in Malaise.


hitsuzenwoman June 28 2008, 18:41:15 UTC
"Vlad Masters is a millionaire, if not billionaire. He owns Vlad Co, a company that has a rather extensive reach." Yuuko explained to Midna. "Headquarters is in Russia, I believe."

"And the boy is right. Enough money for his clear insanities to be hidden and just enough of his mind to know to act sane. The insane aren't always unaware of what's normal and can choose to act it if they wish." Yuuko explained, watching Danny carefully. He really did hate the man, didn't he? "Tell us about Vlad Masters, Daniel?"


midnaoftwilight June 29 2008, 03:08:54 UTC
The way that these two described Vlad, it made him seem like he was a filthy rich bastard, which he most likely was from what she could tell had happened to Dani. She didn't use harsh words too often in her head and she wasn't going to voice her opinion.

``No matter how much money, the man should be checked. I would check him in myself if I had to,`` she commented, nodding her head in a confident way before glancing towards Danny, watching how he was eyeing the sedated girl.

``You can't blame her, Danny. Just because she was raised by the man, it does not mean that she is him.`` Midna frowned ever so slightly, lowering her hand to her side.


sickmind_skirts July 3 2008, 22:47:51 UTC
"Then check him in!" he shouted. "He deserves to be in here, and he deserves anything that goes on in here!" Vlad...he wanted to wring the man's neck so far that he would be able to hear his neck cracking. The things that man did to him and his family...no matter how confused he was about violence or blood, no matter how dazed he was, he would not forgive him.

"I'm not blaming her. I just can't believe she's his daughter." He never thought the fruit loop would ever have a daughter. Especially not one who looked like him.



hitsuzenwoman July 4 2008, 00:07:20 UTC
"He should be checked elsewhere. Him being with Danielle probably wouldn't be good, don't you think?" Yuuko asked, looking at Midna.


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