Title: Psychotic Break?
Characters: Yuuko, Watanuki
Location: Yuuko's room.
Rating: PG-13 for breakdown and angst?
Summary: Yuuko is not taking well to the everything that's happened.
Day/Time: Day 59, after the drama goes down.
A pissed off witch is bad. )
Comments 14
Watanuki wasn't sure what he could do for Yuuko, but. The least he could do was be there for her, right?
Taking a steadying breath, Watanuki knocked twice before opening the door. "Yuuko-san, I'm coming in now."
[[sorry for the delay and the short post, I hasn't logged in yonks and lost all my exp :|;;]]
Looking down, he remembered what he'd brought with him. "Ah, I got you some tea. I know you'd prefer sake, but..."
She looked over and smiled slightly. "It's cute when you think ahead. I'd love some tea."
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