[In progress]

May 12, 2008 07:36

Title: More Contraband
Characters: Dai, Reno
Location: Room 129
Rating: PG to PG-13, alcohol use, language, Reno being Reno
Summary: Reno has something Dai wants
Day/Time: Day 54, evening

What's an easily-bored teen to do but get himself into trouble? )


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boozeplz May 30 2008, 06:47:14 UTC
Reno jumped in surprise when he heard the sharp knock at his door, wondering if it was somebody interesting or just a nurse doing the usual check-ups on patients with their doors closed. He certainly hoped it was the former, because nurses were always annoying, wanting to snoop around the room. He was smart enough to find good places to hide things, so why would they even bother with him anymore?

Getting up and tossing his ponytail over his shoulder, Reno didn't mind who saw his shirtless state when he opened the door. Upon seeing Dai, the redhead let out a surprised, "Oh yeah!" as he had forgotten he had told him that he could come over for some alcohol.

"Forgot you were coming. Come on in," He offered, moving to the side to make room for him to pass.


bemypuppet May 30 2008, 06:54:33 UTC
Dai smiled as he stepped in, lazily looking Reno over since the guy was shirtless. Being devoted to his boyfriend wouldn't keep him from looking, or enjoying looking, at someone else while he was stuck here. Acting was another thing, though. He wasn't going to do that.

The teen ran a hand through his hair, trying to make it at least a little neater. "How do you manage to keep shit hidden from the nosy nurses here? They searched me good when I got here, and they keep checking my part of the room."


boozeplz May 30 2008, 08:26:16 UTC
The redhead was used to being looked over, but that didn't mean he didn't still enjoy it. He managed to hide a grin that threatened to form, closing the door behind Dai. It was a little surprising, since the other male had made sure he wasn't trading alcohol for sexual favors - Reno had just assumed that he knew he was a sexual deviant and wanted to stay away from that.

But no use looking too much into something, right? And Dai wasn't too bad looking, himself.

"You gotta know special places to hide it~" Reno said in singsong, walking in what seemed to be a certain number of paces before kneeling down and lifting a loose floorboard under which one of his many booze hiding places sat. "And you gotta have connections with the staff to get it in in the first place. Both of which I happen to have." He offered the bottle of beer to Dai, figuring he wouldn't be picky. "Sorry it's warm."


bemypuppet May 30 2008, 16:43:10 UTC
Even Dai had things he wouldn't do, and pleasuring other people for goods was on that list. Now, if Reno wanted to do something without the strings of payment attached, that was another story. He'd need a very good reason to stray from Jaehee, but he could be convinced.

"I have no connections here...yet." He took the beer, opened it, and had a few long swallows. It was warm, but that was better than nothing.


boozeplz May 30 2008, 18:41:15 UTC
As far as Reno was concerned, there didn't need to be a reason to have sex with someone as long as they were pretty good looking. He didn't really know if Dai was even gay, though, so he wasn't going to make a move. That didn't mean he couldn't flirt a little, though.

"Really?" The redhead asked, stretching luxuriously before grabbing a beer for himself and popping the cap off with the skill of someone who had done it many times before. "Pretty much all my friends from back home are staff here now, so it's easy to get stuff." Sure, most of his friends would frown upon him sneaking things in, but what they didn't know didn't hurt them, unless they found out he was stealing their alcohol.


bemypuppet May 30 2008, 18:50:08 UTC
"My boyfriend's in Korea. Hopefully he'll get my letter soon and write one back to me." Dai's coldness briefly slipped, and he sounded genuinely lonely, missing the only person who kept him grounded. He swallowed more of the beer and sat down on an empty chair, curiously looking at the red marks on Reno's face.

Were those scars, or tattoos?


boozeplz May 30 2008, 21:45:24 UTC
Reno raised an eyebrow. "A boyfriend, huh?" Even if he didn't know Dai that well, it was easy to see that he missed the boy. "Yeah, he'll probably write back soon. It just takes a while for the mail to get over here." He had never really had anyone to write to, since he could never hold a steady relationship.

Drinking some of his beer himself, Reno sat on the edge of his bed, relatively close to where Dai was sitting. Not wanting an awkward silence, he asked after a moment, "So, you're from Korea?" It was somewhat interesting - he had never been there before, nor met anyone from the country.


bemypuppet May 30 2008, 23:49:40 UTC
"Yeah. Jaehee's the only important thing in my life and he's a few thousand miles away. It fucking sucks." Dai finished the beer and set the empty bottle down, figuring that Reno knew how to dispose of it without drawing attention to them

Thinking about home made him smile sadly. "I'm from Seoul. Not a bad place, if you don't mind gangs and corrupt politicians like my father."


boozeplz May 31 2008, 02:38:29 UTC
Listening to the other male, Reno reached into his pocket and pulled out his lighter and a pack of cigarettes. According to the staff, he was allowed to carry a lighter around as long as he stayed nonviolent and didn't share it with anyone who was. Since he really, really didn't want it taken away, and he wasn't sure why Dai was here, he didn't offer him a cig.

He would give him another beer if he asked for it, but he wasn't just giving them away willy-nilly, so as long as Dai didn't ask, he would remain beer-less.

"That sucks." He offered, lighting his cigarette and taking a drag. "I grew up homeless in New York city. Classic childhood, I tell ya." The gangs Dai had mentioned were probably the type he would have been a part of if he had lived in the other's city.


bemypuppet May 31 2008, 02:46:51 UTC
He stared at the cigarettes. One of those would be better than another drink, he though, and Dai drummed his fingers on his thigh. Not being to have them unless he was outside and supervised wasn't helping his mood.

"Can I have one? I'm not gonna put them out on my arms or anything. If not that, another beer would be nice." Dai didn't seem to care about what he heard, but then again he never did. "I'd rather be homeless or living with the Furies or Jaehee than stuck with my family." The Furies had been his gang.


boozeplz June 1 2008, 17:14:40 UTC
"Sure." Reno plucked another of his precious cigarettes out of his pack and handed it to the other boy along with his lighter. If he tried to run away with it or something, Reno would chase him. He was relatively confident in his fighting skills, or if that failed him, his agility. The lighter was kind of important to him, and he wasn't gonna let it be taken away.

"The Furies?" He questioned absently, eyes focused half on the cigarette in his mouth and half on Dai. "Guess it depends on how good your family was. Mom was probably a hooker that got knocked up, is what I figure." He didn't really care who knew about this, which was the only reason he was telling Dai.


bemypuppet June 1 2008, 17:31:37 UTC
Dai smiled a little as he lit the cigarette. Smoking inside was better than going out and watching nurses stare at him as he took every drag. Dai closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"The Furies were my gang. We went our own ways once they got confused about seeing my boyfriend with me, but they'd still help me out if I asked them to. Wouldn't even have to hit them to convince them."

His family was one subject he wouldn't bring up. It would kill his mood.


boozeplz June 6 2008, 19:42:41 UTC
Really, Reno didn't like making his room all smoky, but he wasn't allowed outside. At least, that was his excuse, because really he just hated going into the freezing weather when he wanted a smoke - the nurses would probably let him out on a smoke break if he asked, but he just refrained. Hopefully his roommates didn't mind too much, but he would only really stop if it bugged Haine.

"Yeah? Sounds pretty comfy. I was still a kid when the Turks found me, so I was never very high-up in any gang. Just a lackey." It wasn't a good part of his life, and Reno exhaled his smoke slowly, thinking about those times with a strange look in his eye.


bemypuppet June 6 2008, 19:56:30 UTC
"A gang's better than other friends. You know they ain't gonna run their mouth about shit unless they wanna get hurt," he thought out loud. Jaehee was his friend, and in a weird way Naru almost was, but that didn't mean he had to protect them. Dai simply chose to.

He pointed in the direction of the floorboards Reno had pried up earlier. "Another beer?" Payment for these little pleasures hadn't been brought up yet. It made him nervous.


boozeplz June 7 2008, 19:38:10 UTC
"All my friends are my coworkers." Reno wasn't very good at making friends outside Shinra back in New York, but it wasn't really something he was ashamed of. He knew he was a pretty unlikable person when he was drunk out of his mind, and he was in a constant drunk state when he wasn't working. Sometimes even when he was working. He didn't really take it personally.

Aiming his eyes back to Dai, Reno smiled. "I dunno, how about a thank-you first~?"


bemypuppet June 7 2008, 20:38:41 UTC
"I've never had a job. Won't ever need one unless my father decides to disown me after this." He know he was in a different class from most of the patients here, but honestly didn't care. Dai preferred their company to the dull, gossipy sorts his parents wanted him to hang out with.

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you want me to do?" If he acted at all like Mao, he would not be pleased.


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