[Victims of Love]

Apr 09, 2008 23:57

Title: Waiting for this life
Characters: Loz and Kadaj (Cloud and Yazu welcome to crash <3)
Location: Room 111
Rating: Um... PG-13 for now?
Summary: Loz finally gets to see his brother(s) when he can concentrate
Day/Time: Day 50/ 9:30 freetime

Loz came back to breakfast stuffed full of eggs and toast, thinking he'd just take a nap during free time and ( Read more... )


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legacie April 17 2008, 03:39:21 UTC
He was only under the bed for a little while; it couldn't have been long. Then again, time did seem to travel a lot faster when curled up under a bed like this. The only reason Cloud was under there in the first place was because Bunny had fallen from the edge of the bed he was sitting on, and he had to go bring him back.

Once he was under the bed to fetch the fallen plush, however, something - a very large something, from the way the bed creaked like that - had jumped on the bed and startled the blond. He wasn't sure what was up there, but for the moment he was safe under the bed ( ... )


crybabyclone April 17 2008, 04:20:26 UTC
Loz tightened his grip on Dajey's body, holding his brother close to him. There was no way he was letting those dumb doctors take his brothers, any of them, away from him again or vice versa. He liked being where he could see them every day, where he could hold them, talk to them, listen to them. Being back with them, seeing Dajey today... it was great. Now all he needed was for Niisan and Little Brother to show up and Loz would be one happy person.

Loz turned slightly so he could look around the room as well. "Brother's here?" His voice was anxious, as if he couldn't wait to see Cloud again, which was true. He wanted nothing more than to have his brothers around and then find Mother. That would be Loz's dream day.

"Did he leave the room or something or is he hiding from me?" Now, his voice held a tinge of sorrow and fear. He couldn't understand why Brother would be hiding from him!


ilymother April 17 2008, 05:30:14 UTC
``Yes, he is.`` Nodding to answer Loz's question, he smiled lightly and blinked towards the second question, his eyes taking on a hint of sadness. ``Brother wouldn't hide from you, Niikun.. he couldn't.`` Kadaj shifted a little, trying to think where he had last seen the blond. Well, he'd seen him this morning and then.. well, he probably fell back asleep and forgot.

Hesitantly, he pulled himself out of his older brother's hold and moved so he could plant his feet on the floor, totally oblivious to the fact that Brother wasn't too far away and if he'd just kneel down and look, he would find him!

Though, he didn't understand why Brother would be hiding under the bed, unless there was a reason for it. He shook his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts and glancing back at Loz, another smile crossing his face. ``We'll find him!``


legacie April 18 2008, 09:30:35 UTC
Well, he didn't mean to hide in a bad way. Cloud thought he was just playing a game, hide-and-seek. And games were supposed to be fun, they weren't supposed to make people feel upset. But Big Brother didn't sound too happy . . .

But that wasn't what he meant at all. He wouldn't hide from his big brother if he was scared, because Big Brother wasn't scary to him. The blond was just under the bed looking for his plush bunny, and then it turned into a game. But he didn't want to spoil anything if he crawled out now, either.

Curiously, and a bit mischevious - not really like him at all, but this was a game, wasn't it? - Cloud shuffled a little as quietly as he could to just peek out from under the bed. His brothers weren't facing him, thankfully, so with one hand he reached up to gently tug on Big Brother's pant leg twice before quickly scrambling back under the bed. And it was difficult muffling a soft giggle as he did so.


crybabyclone April 19 2008, 01:05:49 UTC
Reluctantly, Loz sat up on the bed so Kadaj could wiggle out of his grip. Making a face at the opposite wall, the oldest brother swung his legs over the edge of the bed and took his place next to Dajey. Where could Little Brother have gone?

It was about then that Loz felt the tugging on his pants and the noise coming from under the bed. His mind went from looking for Cloud to escaping the monster under his bed. The oldest brother literally squeaked as he leaped upwards in pure shock. Almost running over Dajey in his haste to get away, Loz grabbed Dajey's arm, placing his brother between himself and the bed. He needed a shield, needed something else between him and the monster... oh gods, there wasn't enough room between them! Dajey couldn't save him!

Loz leaped backwards, suddenly realizing that he needed more room. The oldest brother fled, leaped up onto one of the other beds and began a hurried and not very well thought-out attempt to climb the wall. Where he was climbing to was anyone's guess and after a failed attempt at leaping ( ... )


ilymother April 19 2008, 05:04:23 UTC
The silver haired male thought about the last place he'd seen Cloud, his eyes shutting in thought. He was in his bed.. and then.. His thoughts cut off when he heard his older brother squeak, his eyebrow raising at the odd sound. Well, odd from Loz, anyway's.

Reeling backwards when he was almost ran over, he blinked rapidly and barely caught himself, luckily being helped when Loz grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of him. Kadaj couldn't help but look back over his shoulder, a confused look still on his face. What was going onOnce his brother got up on the other bunk, he shook his head quickly and looked towards the bed, biting on his lower lip. There was no such thing as monsters. . . Was there? Biting harder on his bottom lip, he straightened up quick and held his head high, his back straight as he clenched his hands into fists. ``I'll get it, Niikun ( ... )


legacie April 21 2008, 22:39:52 UTC
Well . . . that wasn't quite the reaction Cloud was expecting. His intention was to surprise his older brother, of course, but not to scare him like that. Cloud was, by no means, a scary person - quite the opposite, really. Too small to be scary.

But he really didn't think Big Brother was going to be that scared of a little tug like that. Maybe he pulled too hard?

Either way, the blond supposed he should probably apologize to his brother for scaring him. He really didn't mean to. Carefully making sure none of his spikes were tangled in the bedspring, he began to crawl his way out from under the bed, only to end up nose-to-nose with the other boy peering under the bed at him. "Hi, Brother."

His bright eyes blinked curiously for a moment, his head tilting to the side. "Is Big Brother scared?" he asked.


crybabyclone April 23 2008, 18:36:58 UTC
Loz eventually stopped flailing around and managed to pull his head out of the sheets when he heard another voice. Was that... Little Brother's voice? It couldn't be? Little Brother really was hiding?

Dajey was kneeling down on the floor now and the happy sound in his voice made Loz peer around the younger brother to see who he was talking to. The spiky blonde head that belonged to Little Brother was now clearly visible and Loz perked right up... well until Cloud mentioned being scared.

"I am not scared!" Loz insisted, even though it was clear to anyone with eyes and ears that he had been terrified not moments before. Untangling himself from the sheets, the oldest brother crawled on his hands and knees over to the other bed, where he could see Cloud clearly.

"Little Brother, come out and play!" Large arms stretched outwards to coax Cloud out of the darkness under the bed. "What were you doing under there? You weren't hiding from me, were you?"


ilymother April 24 2008, 20:45:05 UTC
Kadaj blinked lightly when he came nose to nose with his brother, his head tilting ever so slightly before he turned his head around and glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes falling on the older brother now. ``I think you surprised him, Brother. . .``

He grinned once more, shaking his hair from his eyes and pushing himself back some so Cloud could crawl out from under the bed. He was sure that the other male didn't want to be stuck under there all day, since he'd probably been under there for a while.

Using one arm to hold himself up, he offered the other one out for the blond, his gaze going back to Loz once more. ``Of course you weren't, even though it seemed like you could run up the wall.``

He nodded his head quickly as if to agree with what Loz was saying, his hand moving to rest on Cloud's shoulder. ``Yes, Brother. Come out and play~``


legacie April 24 2008, 21:26:36 UTC
"Oh," the blond answered quietly. Well, Cloud supposed it was good that he surprised his Big Brother, that's what he wanted to do. Maybe he was really just that good at surprising someone, or Big Brother was even more skittish than he was.

It would have been interesting to see if Big Brother really could run up the wall, like Brother said. Could someone really do that?

Under the bed was getting to be a little too uncomfortable now. But he remembered he wasn't really hiding under the bed - at first, anyway. "Wasn't hiding," he said quietly. Before he could reach out to hold his brother's extended hand, the blond turned around for a moment to retrieve the bunny plush he'd gone under the bed for, holding it close to his chest as he shuffled out from under the bed.

With his plush in his lap, Cloud settled himself between his brothers, legs outstretched in front of him. Curiously he glanced back and forth between the other two. "Play . . game?"


crybabyclone April 26 2008, 17:09:07 UTC
"I was trying to spider-climb!" Loz lied quickly, sounding indignant at the very idea of having been scared. He sat back on the floor, glaring at both of his brothers as Cloud crawled out from under the bed.

Oh, so it was the plushie. That was the reason Cloud went under the bed. That made more sense, though Loz had to admit, though only to himself, that he was glad Cloud wasn't hiding from him. Now all he needed was to be sure Yazey wasn't hiding from him and things would be wonderful!

"Yeah, Little Brother!" Loz cried, leaning over to give Cloud a small hug. "I dunno what game we could play, but I wanna play something with you guys!"

He'd missed his brothers a lot. It was kind of crazy how the days had flown by. But today was good, Loz could tell. Today was just going to be awesome and he wanted to make it even more fun for the brothers he could share it with.


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