(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 18:03

i know ive been missing.
i know most of you could give a care.
been re-grouting my bathroom based on the possibility that the black mold in the basement is my fault...which it is not.
also, caulking.
caulking all over the damn bathroon.

my clients keep asking if i prefer the black caulk or the white caulk.
i tell them that as the diplomatic social worker i am, i prefer both black and white caulk equally.
this is treatment.
but, only when the social worker is off her fucking rocker.

mostly though, ive been losing my mind and trying not to bring anyone down with me.
i physically fall apart as my mind drifts.
today...i came home and split my lip on the vaccuum.

and now i can't smoke ciggies!!
at least for a bit.

this makes me very sad.
and ugly.

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