Title: Reality's a Bitch
Characters: Nise
dontfearshadows and whoever happens along.
Location: Gym Particularly in an angstbucket corner stolen from Seig.
Rating: PG-13 or so for language
Summary: Nise recently got a call from his mother and isn't too happy about it. Cloud shows up in the gym shortly after, as does Daisuke. They all meet for the first time. And
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Comments 22
He thought he was doing well, he had met some people who would help, even came across a brother. But no, now everything was flashing back to just how badly he wanted and needed his solitude. Whatever slight progress he may have made within the past few days were irrelevant, whatever hope he may have had of becoming free of his torment was washed away in the sea of bright lights and too many voices that flooded his mind.
And so he found himself hurrying down the hallway, his breathing ragged and raspy, holding his head in his hands and only opening his eyes every moment or two to make sure he wasn't running headlong into a wall or a patient. He was sure people looked, someone had to notice and if anyone cared, maybe confront a nurse. He didn't care, it was too loud and too crowded and too strange, and he couldn't ( ... )
Though his mind was very hesitant, he continued on, taking the long walk from his room to the gym. So what if they're mean! I'm just there to work out a little, what wrong could there be in that? As long as they share their equipment... But what if they don't? That'd be so rude, it's not theirs to take away! I would have to be assertive...A hundred scenarios went through his head, and he began to lose faith. He could do sit ups in his bed, or something... no need to have this huge fuss! And so he rambled on in his head, almost passing the door in his fervor of thought ( ... )
Sort of. Maybe in the insane community, people sat in the corners of weight rooms and cried (though really the strange blond was the only one that seemed to be crying), and didn't cry in normal places... was there a normal place to cry? Oh well. A not normal place was a gym.
Shifting on his feet, Daisuke looked to his side to the still-quiet boy, wondering if he was alright. However, when he tried to get up and ended up falling back down with such a noise, Daisuke's heart went to his throat. Was he dying!?
Daisuke ran to the spiky-haired man's side, kneeling beside him and ducking to try to see his face. "Hey, hey, are you okay?!" He asked frantically, wanting to help if he could. The guy was obviously in a lot of pain, and that other mean one wasn't even doing anything!
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