Dec 10, 2008 00:18
I just got back from seeing Bolt for the fourth time, but my first time in 3D. This has quickly become one of my favorite movie beside the Lion King. The story is good, the animation is great, the voice actors are top-notch, and even the music is well done. I really love Bolt as the action hero. I really hope they make a prequel or a tv series. The actions stuff is really breathtaking. The rest of the story is cute too. I just wish they hadn't gone for the ending they did. Oh well. This movie is so much better in 3D.
I remember seeing Beowulf in 3D. The movie was very blah, but I spent the whole movie looking at all of the layers in 3D. That kept me distracted for the whole movie. The thing about the 3D in Beowulf though was that the layers were very flat and defined. You could look back in the image, but you would be met with another flat layer.
Bolt completely breaks away from the flat 3D layers and shows a smooth transition of depth and field. It was absolutely awesome. There were some obvious in-your-face shots, but just the general depth and feel of the settings and the characters put it over the top. It never feels like you watching some cheesy effect, it just looks and feels natural. I'll probably go see it again in 3D just to enjoy the breadth of the experience. If anyone hasn't seen Bolt yet, go see in in 3D. I doubt you'll be disappointed.