smarties + soda = not smart

Nov 13, 2006 21:43

Never ever put a smarty into a soda. It looks cool for about 2 seconds, then all the carbonated-ness escapes and dirties your notes, the library table, the library chair, gets your clothes wet, your hands sticky, and almost destroys your friend's laptop. Oh and kills everyone with laughter.

Then when you do it again, it's still funny XD

I took Nayaab's umbrella today (it's revenge!), in front of Ovais, and that little snitch told Nayaab about it. He kept accusing me of taking it, and I kept denying it (I'm surprised I kept a straight face), then he said, "Ovais told me you took it!"

So then I told him Ovais was just covering up because HE was the one who actually took it. It worked, and he was complaining about getting dark (he wanted me to go beat up Ovais). Well, he got it back when I was going home, I handed it back to him =) Haha.

These people are priceless.

Sufie renamed herself on my phone as "Patient" because I am her offical therapist. I am everybody's official therapist now. Love.

Anatomy test went okay today. Missed some really stupid ones that I should've gotten, and some stuff was just like "wtf you talkin about willis?" But I know I didn't FAIL like the other two, so it's cool. Also, Embryo didn't go on today, so, um yay! But now I don't know when the next class is, so boo.

I need to go to Rams tomorrow. Hmm.

Ryan's being weird again. Did he just re-discover his love for me? *eyeroll*



Tameem said he felt sorry for the kids I taught, because I'd be the kind of teacher like Jack Black from "School Of Rock" -__-
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