kind of goth?

Oct 21, 2006 12:33

You scored as Anything-Goes Goth. You are very open minded. You may or may not be devoted to your "Gothickry," but you aren't anal about it either way, and you are willing to explore the various niches of the gothic subculture. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Anything-Goes Goth
Old-school Goth
Perky Goff
Death Rocker
Understanding Outsider
Fantasy Goth
Romantic Goth
Ethereal Goth
Confused Outsider
What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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The iftar yesterday was fun, and my cake turned out okay, actually. Not NEARLY as good as Zara's food or Sufie's brownies, though. Seriously, Zara is such a good cook, I swear. She's set for life, man. I wish I had natural ability like that, shoot.

Ram's was SO full yesterday. Irfan was there doing some shopping for Sufie and Zara and trying to find Mehndi/Henna, but Ram's doesn't have any. Awww. I saw Umair there, and I thought we could get a ride from him, but he disappeared so I ended up asking Sister Zainab's husband, and I felt so guilty because he paused when I asked, and I don't think he wanted to. I mean, I don't even KNOW him. Then Sister Zainab was there, so she gave us one. I felt much better x_x Right when we were walking out, I saw Shadmaan and Rahul so they could've given us, one, too, I would've felt better asking them --'''

I need meat, seriously. I don't have it, Rams didn't have it either. I told Shadmaan, and he said he'd take me today to best buy so that I could get some to make the Haleem tomorrow. He better take me, or else I'll get really pissed off. Seriously. Today was the last island tour, and I said no because I had to go shopping. If it doesn't happen, I shalt be pisseded offed!

To make it worse, Atif told me they don't have it in Best Buy either. WTF, all of the island ran out of chicken when I needed it most? Of course.
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