If I get too tired to make it, be my breathe so I can walk

Apr 19, 2006 00:27


So all this school shit sucks. After being accepted, they're telling me last-minute things, which is tough for us because we don't live in a place known as "civilization." It's not like other places.

You know, those places. The ones where people answer the phones. The ones where they care about customer service. The ones where you can send mail and receive mail easy. Make a phone call easy. Send an email easy.

I miss those places.

Anyways, it's not driving me as nuts as it is driving my dad nuts. He's the kind of person who worries every minute of the day, until it resolves itself. He's always asking me, "How can you be so calm?!" =/ Simple. What happens will happen. Deal with it the best you can.

Tch, I'm awesome like that =D

One these last-minute things is an HIV test, so went to a hospital to get it done. The first one was going to take 3 days, so went to another, which takes only one day.

Guy: Uh, how old are you?
Me: 18
Guy: *smile* That was your dad?
Me: Yeah...
Guy/Lady 2: *laughs*
Me: Why are you asking? =o
Guy; Nothing nothing no reason *guy-giggle*
Me: No tell me!!!
Guy: It's okay; doesn't matter.

Me: Dad, how old do I look?
Dad: Uhh...well older.
Me: ...HOW OLD
Dad: 20? 21? Something like that. Why?
Me: *recap*
Dad: ...haha
Me: ._.

Well, maybe my dad looking younger and me looking older combined is the problem. My dad looks 38, and I look 22. That happens, right? I know it does. Shut up ._.


I got to the Halaqah. For some reason, the bus driver was BEHAVING. He went slow; he said hello and he went by houses TWICE to make sure he didn't leave people. Me and my mom were like!whoa. It was okay. It was on Raising Children. Me and Nilofur were being looked at; we're the ones without children. Other than that, me and Stacey chilled most of the time.

Stacey: Stubborn.
Muna: Stu-wha?
Stacey: Stubborn.
Me: Stub. Burn.
Stacey: Stub. Like stubbing your toe and burn...
me: Like burning it off!
Stacey: O_o'

Muna: Stacey is organized the Science Fair
Everyone: *all talking about stacey*
Me: *cake-age*
Stacey: Hey, Emaan's organizing it, too!
Me: Yeah, and if I wasn't so immersed in this cake, I'd teach you all a thing or two *fist*

Stacey: Hey you want my second piece of cake? I don't want it.
Me: ...What? You're offering it now? You're giving it to me because you don't want it? Not out of the goodness of sharing? Is that it? I'm just your backup eater?
Stacey: Hey ¬_¬ Well do you want it? I didn't touch it.
Me: Are you saying I'm snobby? I wouldn't eat something just because you touched it? IS THAT IT?
Stacey: I'm going to drink my tea now ._.
Me: Are you implying--...Okay I'll let you go for now
Stacey: This tea is good!!! =D

Monday i.e. Yesterday:

I was called for babysitting by Jill. She had to go out, and her son was home alone, and sleeping so I went over. Easiest babysitting ever. I got to watch a DVD (Love Actually; o_O I never would have been allowed to see THAT), and she bought me necklace from the mall =)
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