Quote from
NYTimes (re: Obama's appointment for Supreme Court Justice):
On Wednesday Mr. Axelrod was asked on MSNBC about a comment by the conservative radio host,
Rush Limbaugh, that
the judge had disregarded the law and shown herself to be a “reverse racist.”
Can someone please tell me what the fuck a "reverse racist" is? Because I'm pretty sure that someone who is racist against white people is still RACIST. Not that Sotomayor is even close to being that. I mean, come on, let's at least learn how to speaka dah English first duuur. Rush Limbaugh is a Class A Moron (and he can eat my poo.) Thank you Tina Fey.
Also, just have to say. I'm kind of sad Diane P. Wood wasn't chosen. She was our H-town home girl! LOL