
Jan 20, 2009 12:33


Remember when OUR 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (:D :D!!!) stumbled over the oath?

Isn't that crazy? These guys...uh, sorta know each other xD And here is YET AGAIN something that has never happened before. Oh, the animosity and DRAMA. OBAMA DRAMA LOL!!  What is up?!! We are making so much history today, I can't even handle it.

Also, I just downloaded the full text of Obama's speech, and will be going over it for my favorite parts -- but right off the top of my head, I think one of my favorite lines (talking about foreign tyrants?) was something along the lines of "we will extend our hand if you are willing to unclench your fist" <-- amazing.
Great speech.
GREAT speech :D

inauguration, 44th president bitches, obama

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