awright. so it's not even midnight, but i've had my caffeine and mini-muffin and i am ready to rock and roll on this motherbitch writing portfolio!!
lol, except for the fact that i am posting things here instead of doing it xD
anyways, here are two more drawings, and then two more drawings that i did not deem pretty enough to load last night.
lol it's....SoftCastleMcCormic.......wink,wink, harry......wink...wink.....
and i would just like to say that i am not at all happy with this drawing, and i will spend a lot more time the next time i attempt to draw her xD especially seeing as she is one of my very very favorite characters.
wow, hmmm, who are my fav characters?
probably goes:
1. Hermione (lol of course)
2. McGonagall/Snape (not as a ship! omigodEW. just...can't decide between them)
3. Rita Skeeter/Lupin (lol. THAT would be an interesting ship >:O)
and....idk, Molly Weasley. i'm sure you know why. yes...THAT line xD xD
and i think maybe trelawney's thrown in there somewhere too. of course, that could just be my emma thompson-induced delirium kicking in.
wow okay, no more tangents :/
and YAY! it's Percy :D :D
i thought i should get some practice in on him because i joined the hp_project thingy and i got the chapter from DH: the sacking of severus snape (HOLY MOTHER OF SHITTING HELL I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!) and i've always always always really really liked the scene when percy shows up. for some reason, that was like one of my favorite moments of the whole book. i don't know, just something about his glasses being askew. isn't that strange? if his glasses weren't askew, i probably wouldn't have liked the scene that much at all. WOW. i am strange.
anyways, it's between that scene, and the one where harry crucios that DE because he was mean to mcG. SO CUTE! McG's like "what the hell?? why did you do that??" and harry's like "...he insulted you!" and mcG's like "well...that was very GALLANT of you, Potter" lol, that line cracks me up :D :D :D
oh, anyways, without further tangenting ado
it's percy:
(he also needs some work, i know okay, shut up, i'm trying)
a tonks? sort of person. don't know.
she looks too masculine >:/
and MY PUPPY!!! except it really doesn't look like bailey at all, oh well.
sooo, there they are. i really need to work on homework now. ONLY ONE MORE PAPER ONE ORAL EXAM AND ONE FINAL TO GO AFTER THIS!!! :D :D and then a MONTH of freeeeeeedom!!!!
PS i totally stole this icon from i don't know who, but i fucking love it xD