
Oct 08, 2005 11:31

ok so if you've known me since hmmm..last year i guess, you would know that my parent are intending to move my senior year, well the end of it, somewhere where they cn live for the rest of their lives, yeah well, that sucks b/c it wont' been in memphis anymore, but yeha today my mom was askign em if it woudlbe ok if we moved this year and what if we moed to chadina and i could still go to houston, i was liek umm sure, i mean i'm kinda happy, a change is good, but i just painted my room like this past summer or last year and she wants to move this summer, it's depresing to an exstent, and i'll be liveing near josh flynn :-( ew. lol not that that is a bad thing...well nevr mind lol. btu yeha i dont' knwo anyone who lives over there, and that sucks, so if you guys know anyone over there that i know, tell me please.thanks
oh yeah at the fair yesterday i finally bought a new promise ring, i had to get another oen b/c the one i had for like 5 years i left at my ex b/fs house liek i took it off and i put in on the counter while we were making cookies and i was like oh crap i forgot it on the way home and he said he'd get it for me and i talked to him that night and he was liek i have it on my key chain so you can get it when ever i see you next, and a week went by and i saw him with it on there and i forgot to get it from him and then a nother week went by and i was liek hey my ring and it wasn't on his ket chain, yeha that really realy really pised me off! grr, so i bought one yesterday and it's really pretty, i would sooo keep this for a wedding ring too b/c it's simple and beautiful. it's hand carved sterling silver and it was a complete steal for $8 at the pink palace crafts fair. lol btu yeha i love it. and now i have to go do home work, yeha on fall break, and cover the pool today. see ya
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