san diego & south dakota

Dec 02, 2004 01:26

I'm going to attempt to update this thing more often - something I've said in the past, I know...

I'm finally back in santa cruz after about two weeks being gone! My 'vacation' began in hollywood at ghoul school (which turned out to be a lot less "hardcore" than I'd imagined - they played swamp thing for crying out loud), then took a sharp turn to south dakota for an old friends wedding, and ended back up in so-cal. I was supposed to drop nachtkind1334 off at the airport on sunday but we missed her flight. So instead we stayed at my moms house in san diego for a few days hiding out from immigration. I managed to get her to her flight today on time, so here I am now drinking gallo's merlot and indulging in malaise.

random highlights:
  • got a cowboy hat
  • correctly identified my 50+ year old waitress in south dakota as a stoner
  • didn't die on the drunken drive home from ghoul school, and again at funeral
  • met an (ex)member of eNTERNAINME.nt, his charming girlfriend, and mischievous cats
  • took a week hiatus from smoking, then got ripped from a single j of sd-grade mexican
  • spent almost an entire extra week with someone very special to me
  • got to be the best man in a wedding - toast behind the
So here's what I came up with at 2am the morning before the wedding!
"Evening everyone. Let me begin by noting how beautiful the bridesmaids look today, outshone appropriately by only the lovely bride, Tammie. Gentlemen, I'm sure you'll agree with me today is a sad day for single men everywhere as another beauty leaves the available list. And ladies, I'm sure you'll agree that today is passing by without much of a ripple. I'd like to thank Father Dave for a wonderful service. My favorite part were the vows, Rodger said "I do", to which Tammie responded, "You'd better!".
Traditionally this toast is an opportunity for me to talk about all the embarrassing moments of Rodgers life, such as the time he came to a party of mine and I awoke the next morning to find him passed out on the heater grate. He wore a grill mark on his face for a week and a half! Unfortunately I've played a part in just about all of these incriminating events, and as I don't want to ruin my perfect reputation I'll keep things really short by focussing instead on Rodgers achievements, the greatest of which is certainly marrying Tammie. Rodger, you've found someone intelligent, beautiful, and kind-hearted. And Tammie, you've found Rodg. Whoever said a marriage needs to start out balanced?
But seriously, I think marriage will be a great thing for Rodger. It'll teach him things like responsibility, integrity, honesty, give him a sense of responsibility... and a bunch of other qualities he wouldn't need if he'd just stayed single. But I'm happy for the new couple cos they make such a great match. Tammie is ambitious, hard-working, and loves a challenge, and Rodger is that challenge.
In all honesty though, I;ve known Rodger almost his entire life, and I don't think I've ever seen him happier than he is today sitting next to his new wife. Its my sincere hope that the happiest day in their past proves to be the low point in their future together.
So here's to the new couple, may they share a long, happy, and healthy life together. Cheers!"
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