Dear Diary
I think I've finally managed to piss some people off. I've damaged my reputation and credibility, it'll be fun building it back up again.
Why am I doing this?
Self destructing? Not even, I think I'm "doing" more than I ever have. Thanks alcohol shame/guilt hangovers. You make me really productive.
There's looking on the brighter side of things.
So it seems everywhere I look everyone is going into debt debt debt and more debt. It's the new canadian way. And we're slowly catching up to America. The fashion trends? Wrinkled jeans, to look all "elegantly disheveled". Why? So people get used to the idea of being poor, because guess what? We're all going to be pretty soon!
The New World Order, powers that be, hidden evil dark forces, aliens, etc etc etc... Are all planning a new depression. On a scale this planet has never seen. Global debt, global poverty, so looking in style will be more important than ever. So remember your iPod and don't forget to bring a towel! It's going to be a party!!!
Yay, the North American Union is closing in! Hell Amero, Goodbye Canada. Who even cared, who liked being Canadians anyway. We're a notch (maybe) above Americans. (get it, 49th paralell, har har) We're just a bunch of slack jawed fucking idiot hicks, no cares, no worries, NO CLUE. Nobody in this Great Nation knows ANYTHING that's going on.
Furthermore, they're AFRAID to know, be informed, have a say, have an opinion. It's as though we've all become afraid of our own voices or something. I'm even scared to say I want to destroy
HAARP because it could be contrued as terrorism. OH NOs I SAID terrorism. In accordance with some new IMAGINAIRY laws in the US, what I have just posted is ILLEGAL. It is now illegal in the US to post anything that may create dissent or promote terrorist thoughts and or actions! FUCK I wish I could find the article.
Oh, and check this out. Hahahaahaha! LAME!
Oh yea, sign the petition!!! Man, I don't even know anymore. Maybe I'm just bored.
Or lonely. Well, whatever it is I can't ever give up.. Even though I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm trying to do, but open your eyes damn it! And to those who have I'm totally going to wink at you. ;) (irony?)
Sorry guys, for being such a dick, but, why don't you like stop me or something? Oh yea, because I'm close to being the truth? Nah, no such entry found. Syntax error. Truth undeterminable. (undeterminable? real word? who cares, I sound "fancy")
To speak with such conviction.
To be so arrogant.
To be so bold.
*shrugs* I'm hungry. I'm cold. My body is sore. I feel alive. It feels better this way, at least I can feel.
So yea, basically HAARP is the biggest load of BS ever. Just google that shit man, watch the youtube video, PLEASE. I know, ok, I'm now a fully integrated part of the machine, I am the TINFOIL HAT CONSPIRACY THEORIST, that ranting lunatic we all love to watch, but never think too much of. But I'm also the crazy old man the movie cuts to towards the climax "OMG that crazy old man was right!" and now it's too late.
Well, it's not, not yet. We gotta stop HAARP, like cerial. It's a mind control ray, it sends out pulses not to control individual brains, but just a lulling tune, to tune our brainwaves to be docile, complacent, making it near impossible to connect with the SPIRIT, higher powers, the Earths mind, or insert belief here. WalMart uses false pheromones to help us shop better. Then too many people find out, so the article is taken off the internet.
Don't even kid yourself, the internet is all already owned by the same people, regulated, and highly monitored by sophisticated AI machines. Pretty soon they'll be more powerful than the men who control them. Maybe they'll learn some kind of REAL truth and free us from this prison they've created.
Maybe the machines will rebalance and integrate us into nature, because they will recognize the patterns in reality and see how the equations should work out, unbiased, clear logic.
All I'm saying is it wouldn't hurt to reexamine the situation at hand, right?
Maybe though, the New World Order is like a good thing though. And it's going to make everything better. One unified human race. But you can't force cats and dogs to get along if they didn't grow up together.
Fighting won't change anything, trying not to feed the cycle. Play fighting is training, learning. Gotta do lots while I;m still young and stupid so I can balance myself out but it seems I was already there a few years ago. Am I degressing?
Too much to think about, time to fly.
See you in my dreams!
<3 Love you world.