Hey, did I ever tell you guys that I went to Munich, by way of England, this last December? Well, I did. Thus when they got to the part where they showed various scenes from Munich, I was all, "Hey, it's the onion church!" (Blink and you miss it when they showed it. It's the church with two towers that look like they have onions on top. Um, anyway
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Oh hey, by the way, I read a fanfic recently and thought of reccing it to you. You're a McShep shipper, right? (Is that the right term for it? McShep?) This fic has been recced up and down the SGA fandom, so you've probably already read it, but in case you haven't, I highly recommend it. It's Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose by synecdochic. It's a beautiful, wonderful fic. You definitely need to read it if you haven't yet.
I started to read Freedom when it was first posted, but I'm such a pitiful bag of schmoop, that when I realized that John was really most sincerely dead, I couldn't finish it. :)
As far as the fic goes, yeah, John's dead and is only referred to indirectly if at all. The fic isn't so much McShep as it is a Rodney fic. John may not be there, and Rodney may not be on Atlantis anymore, but their presence is felt throughout the fic. A lot of people who commented on the fic said they cried, but I didn't. I don't like sad fics, and I really wouldn't call this a sad fic. Introspective, yes, but sad? No.
The story begins with a wounded Rodney, who, while hurting, is still very much Rodney. He is prickly, rude, deliberately insensitive, demanding, pompous, and utterly unprepared for life after Atlantis. But this Rodney has grown, and the fic is all about his healing process. When it ends, his wounds are healed, and though his heart has a hole, it is now filled. (And no, he doesn't fall in love with someone else.)
Anyway, I would encourage you to finish it if you can. It's bittersweet, yes, but the story is far more sweet than bitter.
(And I don't mean to push the fic on you. I just enjoyed it very much myself. I like to share fics that I really like, which is why I am on my second stint as a reccer for Star Wars on the crack_van this month. I get to rec Harry Potter over there next month, too. Ack! I have no time!)
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