Nov 22, 2010 22:00
A woman is listening to the radio when she hears a report of a driver driving on the wrong side of a 4 lane highway/freeway. In a panic, she calls her husband, whom she knows will be driving on that section of road. The man answers his cell phone.
"Be careful! There's a driver going the wrong way on the freeway!" she says.
"What do you mean one? There's hundreds of them!"
The above is meant to be a joke with a moral. If everyone's going in the opposite direction, it could just be because you're going the wrong way.
I can apply this to myself. When someone attacks a friend online, I get very angry and tend to jump down the attacker's throat. I've mostly given it up, but I did it again tonight.
My justification is that I dislike overly sensitive people who instigate drama. Like the individual who has been announcing her departure from a certain fandom for the past 2 days, whining that no one has apologized to her when clearly nothing short of tearing out their hearts would be sufficient...and maybe not even that.
If you're going to go, really, just go. Don't let the door hit you in the butt. We might all say that we'll miss you, but really, we won't. Just like we don't miss the hundreds of others who have flounced off in a huff.
But if you're going to bad mouth genuinely nice people along the way, don't be surprised if you find my boot in the crack of your butt, hurrying you out the door.
There may be consequences for me for bluntly disagreeing with a moderator, but, frankly, I'm good with that. For one thing, this particular moderator can be a pitbull. I can be a pitbull, too, but I've learned to not let people play me quite so badly. This person, it seems, is incapable of learning.
Besides. the place is more of a social gathering than a writer's group and socializing online isn't one of my hobbies. If it isn't serving a purpose in my life, I suppose it should go. This can be my little push out the door.