Jan 11, 2010 12:45
Ok, I'm back at school, so sewing has slowed, BUT it has not halted. Yay me! I decided that I'm not exactly happy with some of the seams I've whipped together on the stays and want to redo at least one (maybe two) now that I'm getting better at it. So far I have half the seams done, but with the redo well, less than half, I guess. I can't decide how many to redo. For sure the front one, since it's the most visible. (What's happened is that I didn't make my stitches far enough away from the first row of stitching that holds under the seam allowances, so when there's tension on the seams, some of the other stitching shows.) But for the under arm seam, where it's only in one spot and for the back seam where it's also only in one even smaller spot, doesn't seem worth it. Redo-ing isn't really my idea of a good time, however, there's only six seams altogether so it's really not that bad. It's just that pushing the needle through all those layers is tough on the fingers. I think that next time (even though I'm really hoping that there won't need to be a next time for 18th century stays any time soon ;p), if I'm not feeling like a stickler for accuracy, I may just sew all the seams by machine after sewing under the seam allowances.
On an unrelated note, the weather is all sunny and it's super mild out (well, about as mild as Canadian Prairies in January ever gets), which makes me happy. It's actually supposed to be above freezing this week, which is just ridiculous. :D
1790 stays