Rachmaninoff plays Piano Concerto 2

Aug 27, 2019 23:29

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1929 year. Conductor Leopold Stokowski, Philadelphia Orchestra

ganjoka5 лет назад

I am a 65 year old man teaching my grandsons to appreciate and hopefully one day love the classics.  When I first played Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2  for my 3 year old grandson he asked me if I was OK because of the tears in my eyes. I can't help it every time I listen to this piece my breath is short and my eyes are wet from start to finish.  Arguably the best piano concerto of all time.

Grace Gorman2 года назад 

Never mind who is playing, or whether it's the same person playing all of it.  Sergei Rachmaninov WROTE all of it, and it's the most drop dead gorgeous piece of piano music ever written, appropriate for any time in one's life, listenable on any device, any time of the day, any season.  If it doesn't set your heart and soul on fire you're a robot.

Laura Ciocoiu5 лет назад

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra no. 2 was written after Rachmaninoff went through depression and after the period that he followed  psychotherapy sessions. The concert was dedicated to Dr. Nikolai Dahl, with which Rachmaninoff surpassed the creative blockage he entered in. Perhaps, without this depression, the concert would not have become the masterpiece. I love Rachmaninoff, the last of the romantics...

Felipe Forlin3 года назад

I cry everytime, the most beautiful melody ever written

Alexander Kudryavtsev4 года назад

The best piano concert forever!  Rachmaninov is genius squared as pianist and composer!

Andres Teran5 лет назад

As my mother used to say, this melodies come from heaven

AntiBlog5 лет назад

плевать на всё...я слушаю Рахманинова.............И Я СЕЙЧАС ИСКРЕННЕ СЧАСТЛИВ

Claudio Prado4 года назад

I'm a poet and I think that this music is purely  poetry in motion. One of the most beatiful piano concerts of all time.

Damidas Banano4 года назад

Как это волнующе! Невозможно просто! Что он чувствовал, когда писал и играл это? Что там за внутренний мир???! Фантастика какая-то!

Nancy Smith5 лет назад

Rachmaninoff may have reached the depths of despair, but I think he must have also caught a glimpse of heaven. Nothing less could have inspired the unearthly beauty of this concerto.

Dorothy Addington4 года назад

This has got to included in the top five musical compositions that humans have ever created!  It's almost other-worldly in it's beauty, brilliance, and pathos!  I never get tired of listening to it, and I'm so glad that we have access to listening to the composer himself play it.

Norma Hobson4 года назад

Just magnificent! This is my very favorite concerto-although I like the 2nd movement best-it is all so lovely-my late father loved classical music and so I appreciate it to this day! I am now 83 years old myself and I am still thrilled to hear it. Thanks.

татьяна гурова4 года назад

Самый любимый,потрясающий,светлый и дающий надежду!

Ilham Aliyev5 лет назад

музыка на все времена

Jorge Ramos5 лет назад

Rachmaninoff: The  last romantic? May  be? Poor  humanity: too  much  technology and  a weak  heart?

akita roy5 лет назад

Thank God for the original wax recordings. Nothing compares to this. Only Rachmaninoff himself can play this. Unlike someone like Richter who merely hammered the keys with a singular weight, Rachmaninoff created a 3 dimensional quality to his playing through varying the weight of each touch of the keys and changing up the pace created a graceful meandering feel to the landscape.


и еще сотни подобных восторженных впечатлений от этого шедевра всех времен и народов!!!

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