Title: The Fire That Doesn’t Burn
Author: femmenerd
Pairing: Mal/River
Rating: R
Disclaimer: As always, these pretty folk belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy, et al.
Summary: Set post-BDM. The halting yet heated progression of a new relationship told in 10 separate but related drabbles of 100 words each.
Author’s Note: For some reason, I challenged myself to write a fic in this structure and now I have done it. But then, all creative constraints are arbitrary, aren’t they? It’s also been awhile since I wrote a fic with multiple POVs incorporated so there’s that as well. This is not quite as steamy as the
Pornlet of the same pairing from the other day, but shippy as all get out. Cross-posted to
ff_fanfic (Little Albatross is flying, flying and she’s dragging him up with her.)