Since there can never been enough Maliver smut or PWP, I wanted to let everyone know about Porn Battle Amnesty which opened today and runs through New Year's Day when Porn Battle XIV opens in 2013. Since Porn Battle Amnesty includes all previous porn battles I thought I would pull all of the Mal/River prompts and what porn battle they are from. Each prompt is one word so PB2 has 7 prompts, you can choose to do just one or more than one if you want. The full details can be found here: - Mal/River, freedom, glass PB2
- Mal/River, bound, male sub PB3
- Mal/River, course PB4
- Mal/River, flying, birds, curious, heat, ink, whisper PB5
- Mal/River, auto-pilot, sleepless, hum, beauty, perfect, broken, pieces, flight, falling, eclipse, forward, throttle, marooned, power, hand, gun, water, hair PB6
- Mal/River, giggles, dress, cockpit, jealous, tiring, knowing, lawless, wave, weapon, together, ale, bonfire, nightscape, flying, desert, fear, hold me PB7
- Mal/River, aching, ask me, open, spent, the only one, lead, moonlit, soft, fierce, combat boots, scars PB8
- Mal/River, any, exhibit, privacy, ease, gasp, fire, stalk, malleable, exploding star, stars, guilt, comfort PB9
- Mal/River, battery, knife, wet, fruit, joking, fringe, knife's edge, shaving PB10
- Mal/River, dance, gentle, quick, father, help, revenge, believe, flying, marksmanship, infamous, jealousy, Serenity, noir, gradient, princess, crazy, bite, fingernails PB11
- Mal/River, wall, anger, box, metal, protect, hunger, dance, gentle, quick PB12
- Mal/River, dance, gentle, quick, dance, stars, pilot, albatross, girl, woman, lipstick, boots, guns, control, reading, scared, box, cold, return, space, understand, peace, flying, dawn, orders, perception, games, gentle, surprise, midnight, lonely, holiday, future, dance, emergency PB13
My goal is to write one entry a week for one of three fandoms between Aug 1st and Dec 31st. Anyone want to join me?