Title: Changing Minds
luxuria_oceanusBeta'd By:
erinm_4600Written for
prompt-in-a-box: Round #40
Prompt #28: "Do I need you? Yes and no. Do I want you? Maybe so." (Misery Loves Company, Emilie Autumn)
Word Count: 1,096 (According to OpenOffice)
Genre: Slight humor, a wink of idea at smut and, in a nutshell, UST
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Pairing/Character: Mal/River UST
Summary: River has needs...and the Captain plays avoidence.
Timeline: After the movie, me thinks.
Author's Note: And, after writing this, I realize I might have to write what happened in that bunk. Maybe. But adding it here, I thought, would steal from the funny, tongue-in-cheek theme I was trying to do with this prompt.
This was the time to just be River Tam, the mind of a weapon, but the body of a girl and bodies have...needs.