Title: Broken Promises (10/?)
gwenfrewi72 Rating: A or R
Fandom: Firefly
Spoilers: None
Summary: Post BDM. Mal ponders the situation he’s gotten himself into before going to bed.
Length: 1,015 according to Word.
Disclaimer: The great, almighty and powerful Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. own the universe and characters. I'm just playing with them.
Author's Note: Thanks to
alsunwunderland for beta’ing this chapter and for the help. Also thanks to the unknown user and
tweatyhobbs for both commenting on Chapter 9 within days of each other, thus forcing me to revive this from the dead.
This chapter isn’t fundamentally necessary for the story but for some reason I feel I need it. Maybe it’s because I want to show Mal’s slowly dawning realization what River means to him. At the very least, I found it funny as all hell.
Feedback: is shiny and always encouraged, both the good and the bad.
Copyright (c) April 2009 Patricia Flynn
Broken Promises -Chapter 1 Broken Promises -Chapter 2 Broken Promises -Chapter 3 Broken Promises -Chapter 4 Broken Promises -Chapter 5 Broken Promises -Chapter 6 Broken Promises -Chapter 7 Broken Promises -Chapter 8 Broken Promises -Chapter 9 Scroll over Chinese with mouse to get translation.
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Broken Promises -Chapter 10