::follows Malcolm across the room and into office, steps behind his desk prepares to sit, turns to look at Malcolm as question is asked, pauses for a moment then slowly places self in own chair, leaning back::
Why I'm doing very well Commander. Thank you for asking.
::immediately:: No! No, I love spending time with them, I really feel I owe it to them after 7 months away, I'd just... I'd like to feel useful in other ways sometimes.
But right now there's complications with that so I make do.
I wasn't aware there were issues surrounding your return to duty. I cleared you medically, and imformed the captain as long as you were willing to have theses sessions with me I would clear you psychologically as well.
It was decided I'd need a settling in period. I also have 7 months of work to catch up on. Not that I'm reading every single routine report, I simply have to be kept up on the weapons efficiency, how often they've been used, upgrades, modifications, any new procedures introduced. I've spent time going over various armoury, tactical, security and engineering reports on the subject... which takes longer than you'd think.
Then there was.. ::can't help glancing out of Phlox's office towards where the curtains are drawn::
There were issued raised about my time aboard the EX. Certain.. treasonous issues that are hard to put aside.
Reacclimation can take quite some time in your field I'd imagine. I'll admit it had not occurred to me you were not back on duty, at least a partial schedule.
::follows Mal's gaze toward Forrest's bed::
This argument that I was told about with the Admiral...you were involved? It was over these treasonous issues?
Oh well I suppose it was an argument. Threeway, yes.
::remembering:: Uh.. Captain Archer and I were both investigated over our actions in various places. Luckily The Admiral deleted Jon's, no one need ever know more about it. Mine, however, he wishes to press ahead on with charges.
I was not aware......Captain Archer hasn't told me any of this. He just said that when the admiral collapsed he was in a heated argument, which I have determined contributed to his collapse.
::can feel anger beginning to surface::
How could he? What possibly motivated an investigation?
There are plenty of allegations against me to warrant court martial. And I have no intention of fighting them. Cold hard facts are just that.
For the last few weeks I've been contemplating resigning my commision. I don't particularly want to put myself or my children through a hearing. Before the Admiral collapsed I had informed him he'd have my resignation on his desk soon enough.
You can't be serious! What information could warrant court martial? You were abducted and forced to do things against your will or in some cases to protect your life or the lives of the people on this vessel.
::stands and goes to window of office, staring at the cutins surrounding Forrest's bed::
Certainly any investigation should have touched on your medical and mental state at the time in question. I have not been approached about any of your records.
Apparently, no one was to be aware except those carrying out the investigations. In case there was no need for anything to go further.
And if you were to have been approached, I would have hoped you'd keep to doctor/patient confidentiality. And told them nothing.
I want none of it made public. I worry for the children. Especially Charlotte. She's still too young to understand her own situation.
::looks out at the curtains::
I don't think he likes me very much. I have ties to a ship that has hampered this one on more than one occasion. And I spent the last 7 months with someone other than Jonathan Archer..
I'm back here COmmander. I'll only be another minute.
Are you sure? If you're busy we can.. rearrange.. or... forget about it for today. Whatever, I'm easy...
::turns away from the curtain looking around other areas of sickbay instead::
::finishes with tasks, checking pupils, monitoring reflexes::
::moves out from behind the curtain::
Ah, Mr. Reed. Right on time...I apologize that I hadn't completed my tasks before you arrived.
Would you like to talk in my office this time?
::turns head to look at office, then back to Phlox::
Your office it is then.
::heads in, stops for a second to decide then sits in the chair in front of Phlox's desk and waits for him to sit::
How are you today, Doctor?
Why I'm doing very well Commander. Thank you for asking.
::rests arms on chair, posture is relaxed::
And yourself?
I don't exactly have much to do right now other than be a stay at home father.
Ah, the children. Such joys they are. I certtainly enjoy the science classes their Aunt Maddy has asked me to conduct for them.
::tilts head to the side, studying Malcolm's demeanor::
This staying at home with the children....it disturbs you?
But right now there's complications with that so I make do.
I'm not complaining.
I wasn't aware there were issues surrounding your return to duty. I cleared you medically, and imformed the captain as long as you were willing to have theses sessions with me I would clear you psychologically as well.
Why aren't you back working Commander?
It was decided I'd need a settling in period. I also have 7 months of work to catch up on. Not that I'm reading every single routine report, I simply have to be kept up on the weapons efficiency, how often they've been used, upgrades, modifications, any new procedures introduced. I've spent time going over various armoury, tactical, security and engineering reports on the subject... which takes longer than you'd think.
Then there was.. ::can't help glancing out of Phlox's office towards where the curtains are drawn::
There were issued raised about my time aboard the EX. Certain.. treasonous issues that are hard to put aside.
::follows Mal's gaze toward Forrest's bed::
This argument that I was told about with the Admiral...you were involved? It was over these treasonous issues?
Oh well I suppose it was an argument. Threeway, yes.
::remembering:: Uh.. Captain Archer and I were both investigated over our actions in various places. Luckily The Admiral deleted Jon's, no one need ever know more about it. Mine, however, he wishes to press ahead on with charges.
I was not aware......Captain Archer hasn't told me any of this. He just said that when the admiral collapsed he was in a heated argument, which I have determined contributed to his collapse.
::can feel anger beginning to surface::
How could he? What possibly motivated an investigation?
For the last few weeks I've been contemplating resigning my commision. I don't particularly want to put myself or my children through a hearing. Before the Admiral collapsed I had informed him he'd have my resignation on his desk soon enough.
You can't be serious! What information could warrant court martial? You were abducted and forced to do things against your will or in some cases to protect your life or the lives of the people on this vessel.
::stands and goes to window of office, staring at the cutins surrounding Forrest's bed::
Certainly any investigation should have touched on your medical and mental state at the time in question. I have not been approached about any of your records.
::turns back to face Mal::
I wasn't aware of any of this.
Apparently, no one was to be aware except those carrying out the investigations. In case there was no need for anything to go further.
And if you were to have been approached, I would have hoped you'd keep to doctor/patient confidentiality. And told them nothing.
I want none of it made public. I worry for the children. Especially Charlotte. She's still too young to understand her own situation.
::looks out at the curtains::
I don't think he likes me very much. I have ties to a ship that has hampered this one on more than one occasion. And I spent the last 7 months with someone other than Jonathan Archer..
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