Title: Coming Home, part 2
Author: zoewarren
Rating: This part is safe for ages 14+, no promises about the rest of the series
Characters: Inara, Mal, crew
Pairing: Mal/Inara, Kaylee/Simon
Spoilers/Timeline: post-BDM (spoilers for the movie)
Sequel To:
Leave of Absence and
Absence Makes the Heart..., and of course
Coming Home, part 1 (Best to begin at the beginning.)
Word Count: 1,081
Disclaimer: Joss is boss, I'm just playing
Summary: Inara returns to Serenity after four months at the Training House.
Author's Note:
Ok, team: part 2! Also, you'll be pleased to know part three is in the works. And, just so you know, nothing gets me writing faster than a little feedback. So, comments are love - for all of us.
Coming Home, part 2